
By Sister Initiate Veronica Rademacher (Lizana),
Chile (Originally In Spanish)

I'll never forget the winter days
When I felt the cold piercing my skin,
The wind playing with my hair,
The mist covering my eyes,
And the days slowly passing by.

Then the autumn arrived.
The weather would seem better,
The falling leaves showing it.
Everything was getting dry
And coloring games made a feast for the eyes.

The lovely spring was reborn,
A little bit cold in the mornings,
But the evenings tenderly warm.
The colors just flooded and dazzled the environment,
And the freshness of the day made me feel reborn.

Everything changed with the summer.
A wonderful warmness, everything was sun and love.
Even though sometimes the seasons mix themselves up,
I know that I have reached the sun,
Because I have entered into the Light and heard the Sound.

Hearttalk The Passing Of The Seasons Bliss