Panorama Of Events

The seminar held at Mogi was a heartwarming success.

After the seminar, participants enjoy a sumptuous vegetarian meal and receive beautifully printed recipes.

<Sao Paulo> The Quan Yin Method video lectures in Brazil every month have received an increasingly overwhelming response each time they have been held. These lectures, once limited to the neighborhood of the Center, are now presented in other small towns near Sao Paulo as well, to give all an equal chance to pursue spiritual practice.

With Master's blessing, fellow initiates had no difficulty getting free use of a big office in a supermarket. The location is ideal, and the venue is big enough to accommodate the display of a collection of Master's works of art. Apart from showing a profound interest in Master's teachings, visitors are equally impressed by Her paintings which transcend world creations.

At the end of each lecture, fellow practitioners usually prepare a large quantity of vegetarian food for the guests. The dishes are prepared according to recipes provided by the vegetarian cooking class. Beautifully printed recipes are distributed to the participants, so that they can cook at home the same delicacies that they have savored.

The recent seminar at Mogi was a heartwarming success. More fellow initiates than usual earnestly joined in to share the workload. When the seminar was over, more than 80 percent of the guests decided to switch to a vegetarian diet, and requested to learn the Convenient Method of meditation. It was clear to us that Master's almighty love had nourished their souls, and God had graced and sown seeds of love in this simple and friendly little town.

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