Special Reports


Echo -- The Most Beautiful Feeling
Of My Life

By Brother Initiate Reuben, U.K. (Originally In English)

This was my first retreat that Master also attended. I enjoyed this experience and felt so enriched by the event. Some moments were so funny; the atmosphere was light and joyful, and laughter flowed easily from many hearts when some brothers and sisters told jokes.

It was amazing to be in the company of so many wise and loving beings; I felt I learned a great deal from listening to fellow initiates conversations. I also felt I progressed very quickly. I think it was because Master removed a lot of my mental hindrances. At some moments, I really understood that the practitioners of the Quan Yin Method are my brothers and sisters; and following this realization, that all human beings are brothers and sisters.

I understand more now that Master knows us inside. I knew it in theory but I hadn't experienced it before. Several times when Master was talking She mentioned something which answered my question and put my mind to rest, without me asking anything; or chose an example to explain Her point which corresponded to my situation.

Seeing Master was the most beautiful feeling ever. Her eyes sparkled so brightly and filled every corner of my being with love. My ability to love others has grown massively. God's love, Master's love is in me and flows naturally to others. Thank You Master for showing me how to experience this beautiful, wonderful thing.

Grand Spiritual Gathering -- Summary Of The Third European 4-Day Retreat
Echo -- The Most Beautiful Feeling Of My Life

The Surprise Of Trying New Things