Panorama Of Events

Report From Brazil

The Grand Opening Of
A Vigorous New Center

To spread Master's teachings, Brazilian fellow initiates hold a seminar featuring Master's videotaped lectures at the new St. Paulo Center.

<St. Paulo> In pace with the continuous spreading of the good news about the Quan Yin Method, more and more spiritual practitioners who long for the Truth join our group. Since the original St. Paulo Center was no longer big enough for initiates, we looked for another ideal place. This became a matter of extreme urgency for our fellow practitioners. Through Master's merciful blessing and arrangement, we finally found an old house. After being remodeled by our fellow practitioners, the house has become a serene and beautiful spiritual Center. It is located at the midpoint of the south-to-north subway. Because of the spacious area and perfect facilities there, it is also an ideal place for us to introduce Master's teachings to people.

Fellow initiates appreciate Master's grace. In order to cherish and redirect this holy love of God back to people and let more Brazilians know the good news about attaining liberation, we carried out a series of activities to spread the Truth. These included giving vegetarian cooking classes once a month; offering free, finely printed Chinese and Portuguese vegetarian recipes; holding a meditation retreat every month; regularly conducting seminars on the Quan Yin Method featuring Master's videos, and the like.

After the activities of spreading the Truth, we had greater numbers of fellow initiates and initiates-to-be. But most important is that we deeply realize that the more we work, the more relaxed and lighter we become physically and spiritually and the closer we come to our inner wisdom. This is just as Master has frequently said: "When one works, the one who truly benefits from it first is oneself."

The grand opening of the new Center in Brazil. Fellow initiates and initiates-to-be enjoy Master's holy blessing of love in the comfortable environment.

Through Master's blessings, we have rented a vegetarian restaurant as our site to spread the Truth. There, we have met many Brazilians who have been on a vegetarian diet for many years. They agree with Master's teachings and many of them have requested to learn the Convenient Method of meditation.

Once during the teaching of the Convenient Method, a Brazilian personally experienced Master's intangible great love. Being touched, he cried deeply. Some people also have clearly perceived a circle-shaped inner light. These miraculous responses have shown Master's omnipresent love and made our fellow initiates gain more faith and experience during the work.

After this series of activities, we found that many Truth seekers are still lost and unable to find the door of Truth. This makes us feel the importance of acting as helpers of God to introduce the best means of returning to the Kingdom of God, so we dare not be sluggish. We wish that more people in this country would establish an affinity with the living Master and become good instruments of God so that Brazil would become a holy place for spiritual practice.

Japan Formosa The Solomon Islands Honduras Brazil