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Narrated By Brother Initiate Ying Yi, Taipei, Formosa/
Recorded By Sister Initiate Yin Yu, Hong Kong

Brother Ying Yi was initiated two and half years after his wife. After his wife was initiated, she always put Master first in everything.

"In the beginning, I was not used to that," said the brother laughing. But she (his wife) worked on him cleverly, and gradually changed him. So finally, he was also initiated.

Soon after she was initiated, she told him that she would be on a vegetarian diet but would still cook meat for him. He agreed. After a while, she told him that she felt uncomfortable when cooking meat, so she said that she would only buy cooked meat for him. He agreed with this, too. After a few months, she said that she could not stand the smell when he was eating meat and suggested that he eat meat only when he was out. She suggested that at home he should eat vegetarian food together with her. He felt that that was reasonable, so he agreed again.

Gradually, he increasingly adopted a vegetarian diet and began to feel that it smelled bad when others ate meat. Being subtly influenced, he became a total vegetarian and was eventually initiated by Master!  


The Smart Wife Learning To Put Down The Attachment
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