Panorama of Events

Report From Nepal

Purity Of Heart Is Close To The Tao

On first arriving in Nepal, I perceived the simplicity and kindness of the local people, who always welcome the brothers and sisters from overseas or neighboring countries with hospitable treatment and friendly smiles. The sincerity with which they treat others is not only close to the Tao, but is also the reason why they have always been blessed with love from God and the saints.

The several local fellow initiates are sincere Buddhists who are as pure at heart as children. Before they got to know Master's teachings, they had already been on a vegetarian diet for several years, convinced that those who walk on the path of the saints should not harm the lives of other sentient beings. They also feel that Master's perfect teachings and meditation Method belong to the dharmic lineage passed down from any past or present enlightened gurus. Because of their purity of heart and firm belief in Master's power, they had very good experiences at the time of initiation and saw Her in transformation forms as well.