Panorama of Event

Report From Formosa

Celebrating Mother's Day
with Guests

[Jiayi] Mother's Day in May is also the birthday of our great Mother - Master. Those initiates in Jiayi, who could not go to the Australian retreat for various reasons, arranged a special party to wish Master a happy birthday and to express their longing for Her on this day. They also invited friends and relatives, who are non-initiates, to enjoy the holiday together.

Initiates prepared a European style buffet luncheon for everyone. After enjoying the food, every guest put on a carnation to celebrate this heartwarming holiday. Then they sat in a hall to watch the celebration performances. The first program consisted of a chorus singing "Mother, You are Great". Then fellow initiates performed with their best efforts to entertain all the guests. The performances were new and eye-opening and the atmosphere was happy and cheerful. Many performers were not used to expressing themselves in front of the public before, but after practicing the Quan Yin Method, they became enlightened and were able to develop and express their hidden talents.

After the performance, there were also many interesting interactive group games, all participants received a gift. People on and off the stage were all involved and cheerful. The MC also told jokes concerning spiritual practice, as well as introduced Master's brief biography to the guests, so they could have a deeper understanding of Master. The party concluded with all singing a revised song called, "Best Wishes to Our Great Mother Ching Hai."