Love In Action

Report From Kaoping, Formosa
Reported By Kaoping News Group, Formosa

"Sending Warmth In The Cold Winter"

While Formosa continues to be embraced by chilly weather, the third phase of winter relief work after Master's compassionate instruction to help those in need. In total, there were eleven poverty stricken Kaoping families and native residents of the remote Fongliau area that received aid.

Those who received aid were either low income families; people who had been suffering from long-term illnesses; single parents with several dependent children; or those having to cope with sudden family upheavals. Not surprisingly, all had sad, desperately unfortunate stories to tell. When they learnt that the aid came from our compassionate Master, grateful smiles appeared on their long, sorrowful faces. They were very thankful to Master, whose timely help enabled them to have a warm, enjoyable New Year.

Kaoping Taoyuan Taichung Jiayi Philippines CA, USA