
My Dream

I once had a dream.
Many people had dreamt what I did,
For that dream was of world peace and harmony.
I hope that dream will some day
Magically come true.
I hope that one day
People can walk by one another at night,
And not be frightened of being killed.

I dream of the day
When people will love each other
Without reason and see the beauty within,
When people will realize that cold wars
Do nothing except shed blood and bitter tears.

I dream of the day
When strangers can be friends.

I dream of the day
When we can wave handfuls of money in the
air. Without it being stolen.
Yes, I believe that it is possible
And I will fight for a better world
With all the strength of my heart and soul.
I know that with enough determination and
love, This shall be our future.

Our world is dying;
I, and many others, will struggle to save it
And lift it up into a new and better world.
nly when people open their eyes and hearts,
Will they realize that they can make a
difference In this corrupted world of sins;
And that we will no longer go to heaven after
death, But live in it when we are still alive.

By Young Initiate Tuyen Le (11 years old),
Dallas, Texas (USA) (Originally In English)


Heal-Yin Symphony My Dream Liberation