While On The Path


Meditation Works Wonders!
By Brother Initiate Danny, Cape Town, South Africa (Originally In English)


ove! Compassion! Respect!. Bliss! Harmony! Happiness! No attachment! Wouldn't it be lovely to live in a world like that? Wouldn't it be nice if one could make this planet just a little better for all of us? I have learned that you can create your own heaven, your own nirvana, your own Pure Land. By meditating everyday, my world is becoming better, my heaven is becoming greater and it becomes easier to practice the precepts.

 There was a time, in the beginning, when I felt frustrated and agitated; I was trying too hard to create my own heaven. I tried to deal with bad habits and earthly desires directly. No matter how hard I tried, how much I forced myself to deal with these obstacles, I made little progress. I made promise after promise to stop this and that, but I soon found myself doing it again. Through Master's teachings, I discovered that I was going about it the wrong way. Instead of causing heartache and frustration and achieving very little, it would be better to meditate and then the problem will go away gradually and all by itself. Simple. And above all, you grow spiritually.

 Aggression, attachment, lying, lack of compassion and many other things are bad habits we have accumulated. As washing powder washes clean, so meditation washes us, gently cleaning us. It is powerful. There is no need for shock treatment or hurting yourself in trying to create your own heaven or in trying to deal with problems and obstacles. The positive effects from meditation will soon become evident in your life. A powerful and yet subtle force will fill your life and soon you will be in the heaven you always wanted. You may not even notice the change, but others will. Meditation is working for me. As I grow and make progress, I have more compassion; more love for other beings; my earthly desires and bad habits go away by themselves; and calm, harmony and happiness now fill my life. Wisdom fills my head.

 I feel like the king of my own heaven. Meditation works wonders!

The Holy Love Of God Meditation Works Wonders! You Light Up My Life