Spiritual Interludes




Of A Wonderful Retreat

 By Nathalie, France (Originally In English)

I currently teach English in a Business School whose standards and requirements are getting higher every year and dealing with demanding students who all come from different backgrounds and have different needs and expectations. It can be very challenging. Taking a retreat break from all of this was really wonderful. Even the early morning rise was not difficult since we knew we were going to greet a great state of meditation. The chimney fire and friendly care helped us to feel at home and "return home" more easily. I was able to step back and look at things in a different way.

I also realized that things such as community life, sharing everything, and doing one's utmost to follow the precepts was greatly beneficial and fulfilling. These are true values and standards one should stick to in order to cope better with everyday life. Another detail about the retreat was the rain that sent us Master's blessings and help. Was it a good sign that this retreat would be followed by many others? I sincerely hope so.


Experience Of A Wonderful Retreat Seeing The True Nature Of Things! Mother's Love