Panorama Of Events

Report From France

New Retreat Site In Codognan, Southern France

[Paris] Usually, every month the Paris Center holds a two-day retreat. This time, the retreat was in the south of France in a house of a practitioner. It was a perfect location. To participate regularly in a retreat is a great help to our practice, specially when fellow practitioners live far away from each other and find it difficult to join group meditations. We were all so happy to get together in this most beautiful area, far from the big cities and meditate with Master's blessings. We all felt Her love. At the end of the mini-retreat, a tree in the garden was full of birds. Did they come for God's blessings too? We all felt happy and very enthusiastic to spread Master's teachings more, especially in those areas where there are only a few practitioners. For the inspiration, enlightenment, spiritual growth and the opportunity to practice together, we must be grateful to Master whose loving heart, superlative examples and supreme efforts bring us endless benefits every moment of our lives.

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