Infinite Space

Master Stopped The Universal Law Of Non-Intervention

By Fellow Initiate Millar, U.S.A. (Originally in English)

In a very vivid dream I had one night, there were tens of thousands of disciples sitting in an immense field in a very flat area. It was in a valley that looked like it was somewhere in the midwestern United States. Very tall mountains could be seen off in the distance, but the land was flat virtually to the horizon. We were all in small groups talking and laughing, and everyone was excited because we were anticipating something very big. Master was in Her trailer which was in the back, away from the crowds.

Suddenly, from just over the mountains we saw a gigantic multi-colored spaceship coming toward us and around it were flying dozens of smaller diamond shaped ships. They were all traveling at incredible speed and the sight of it was so amazing that a sudden hush went over the crowd as everyone gasped in excitement. Within a few seconds the great ship was already hovering over us. So large was it that it almost shadowed all of us at once. No one moved or even breathed, because as it hovered there the most amazing feeling of love, joy, euphoria and peace that swept over us all. It was as if everything we needed to know, we knew within an instant; like every fear we ever had had suddenly became folly.

They were communicating to us all at once without saying a word and we all knew instinctively that everything was going to be all right. It is truly indescribable to explain the joy that each of us felt individually and together at that moment. The ship then glided over and landed next to Master's trailer. Everyone at once cheered with joy and love in our hearts and tears in our eyes. And then I awoke.

I carried this joy into my life that day and everyday for weeks later. It was one of the most ecstatic experiences of my life and still is to this day. I started paying attention to everything Master had ever said about UFOs and the future of our planet. Everything Master said about our encounters with the aliens was positive. She said that we had to raise our consciousness so that we could communicate with them. She said that in the future we would be able to trade actively with other planets and they could share advanced technologies with us in exchange for our natural resources.

Not long afterwards, I read a book called "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" which describes the near future and our eventual active communication with aliens. In the book, it mentions that in November of 1992 the "universal law of non-intervention" was stopped, meaning that the planetary federation was not permitted to communicate actively with Earth until that time. It also mentioned that between 1993 and 1997, the transition of consciousness on Earth would be made so that mass landings of aliens could finally take place.

I remembered a talk Master gave at a group meditation in Taipei. She had scolded some aliens that had wanted help to save their brothers who had been captured by the US government. She said that since they had the power to be invisible, why didn't they save them? The aliens responded that they could not because the "universal law of non-intervention" prohibited it. Master scolded them again and said that they had misunderstood it. It did not mean that they should not help their own, it meant to not interfere with the Earth's karma.

It was about the same period Master gave this lecture on the "planetary federation" that this book mentioned that this law had suddenly been stopped. Because this law had been stopped, the good aliens could now come and help bring about the Golden Age on Earth!

The Story Of Outer Planets
Extraterrestrials Are Our Good Neighbors
Extraterrestrial Visitors In History
Master Stopped The Universal Law Of Non-Intervention