Feature Reports

Words From The Hearts Of Those
Who Received Awards

Gathered and Written by News Groups in Formosa

Master Satisfied My Wish
Things Are Never The Same After Following Master
I Am My Mother's Little Dharma Guard
Wishing To Do Something For Master Mommy
Especially Good Homework After Group Meditation

To be able to obtain the honorable award of a "good child" from Master Mommy is a supremely glorifying and joyful experience. Let us look at these children's daily efforts and words from their hearts after having received their awards.

Master Satisfied My Wish

Young fellow initiate Li's biggest desire was to ride in Master's "big baby carriage" (Her beautified golf cart for children), but she had not had a chance. Her mother comforted her, "Master will know your wish as long as you are diligent."

She immediately changed her habit of being irritatingly slow to doing things quickly and with concentration. Her scores in school also improved dramatically. She was even accepted into a highly competitive music class. She also helped with housework and took care of her younger bothers and sisters. These things pleased her parents very much.

On the day Master awarded the prizes, She called ten children, who ranked A at school to ride in Her "golf cart for children." Li was one of the children; her wish was finally fulfilled.

Young fellow initiate Zhan felt a lot of love from Master during the awards ceremony. He went back with fruitful results both in spirit and materially. He did not think that his scores in school were outstanding; however, receiving this special honor, he treasure it even more and would study more diligently. Thank You Master for Your love!

Things Are Never The Same After Following Master

Young fellow initiate Su liked to go to group meditation because there were many books and toys in the children's house. After entering elementary school, he faced a lot of pressure to study. His mom, also an initiate, asked a Quan Yin messenger for a secret method to help the child. The messenger said, "When the child comes home from school, give him a bath first, let him relax, meditate, and then do other things."

As expected, he became calm and gentle, and his conduct became even better. Currently, the teacher in charge of his class is a vegetarian and the number of vegetarian classmates has increased to five. Su's mom said, "Ever since we have followed Master, things have never been the same again. Everything is taken care of by Her."

Young fellow initiate Lu has been encouraged greatly by the guards of the children's house. She often helps with the work there and also takes care of her younger bothers and sisters. She helps them with their homework on her own initiative. Her most praiseworthy quality is that she is reliable - whatever she promises, she tries her best to fulfil.

Young fellow initiate Zhang gave the book, "The Key of Immediate Enlightenment" to his teacher on Teacher's Day, because he said, "This book is very good!" His faith is firm and he likes to go to group meditation. It is his experience that it is easier to enter samadhi while meditating with many people. We asked him, "If you did not win a prize, would you be upset?"

He answered optimistically, "No, I wouldn't. I'd try again next year."

Shy in nature, young fellow initiate Zheng is not used to other people's praise. He said, "It may be better not winning a prize." He was surprised that all his good deed and the praiseworthy comments by his teachers at school -- his honesty and loving heart, were revealed publically at the ceremony. Cooking is another one of his special hobbies. His stir-fried cabbage is said to be even better than his mom's!

Young fellow practitioner Liao, who received two large bags of awards for being selected the "best child," has often come to Hsihu Center with his mom in recent years. He loves Master very much. Last year, as soon as Master returned to Hsihu Center from abroad, he applied for and became initiated. Every time Master walks around the crowd to bless everyone, he always quickly runs after Her. He has also received a lot of blessed food.

Liao is very popular at school, and this semester he served as a monitor in his class. He is good at billiards, table tennis, swimming, karate and baseball. And he usually finds adult opponents to play Chinese chess and Chinese checkers. His biggest wish is to practice meditation diligently in this lifetime and follow Master to be able to practice smoothly.

I Am My Mother's Little Dharma Guard

Little fellow initiate Chang is only nine years old, so he had difficulty carrying all the gifts awarded him. However, he still used all his might to carry them himself, because it was an honour awarded by Master, not any ordinary prize.

Besides immediately sharing the candies with other little friends, he also told his younger brother, "These toys were given by Master to us. We will enjoy them together."

Before he was initiated, little Chang was always listless and unhappy; full of fears and insecure. After initiation, he became strong and relaxed. His mother, a fellow sister, said with a touching tone, "Master is the greatest psychologist in the universe."

Having been initiated for many years, little initiate Chen has developed a good habit for meditation. Each day at meditation time, he summons the whole family, as if he is a dharma guard. Whenever his mother goes to a retreat, he is more anxious than She is, and always "checks" her luggage, especially for the Initiate's Identification Card. Only then, does he feel assured.

In the eyes of her schoolmates, little initiate Won is a gallant hero. Once, she accompanied her mother to a company meeting, and saw her boss smoking continuously. Therefore, when she returned home, she wrote a letter trying to persuade him to quit smoking. Under her loving advise, the boss has greatly reduced how much he smokes.

Little initiate Chen loves very much to meditate. He often encourages his schoolmates to become vegetarians and to pursue spiritual practice. He even gave sample booklets and magazines to the mother of a classmate, and explained to her the benefits of spiritual practice. Observing his progress in study and in daily life after the initiation, his father and aunt have also started a vegetarian diet and are practicing the Quan Yin Method.

Wishing To Do Something For Master Mommy

Young fellow practitioner Wu has been a vegetarian ever since he was in his mother's womb; he became a half initiate as soon as he reached the age of six. Now his whole family frequently meditates together at home. Although he is naughty sometimes, when meditating he is very serious. Master has said, "Children are Buddhas. They are young physically, but their souls are not."

Because his parents both work in the field of education, they know well about the importance of family education. So Wu and his brothers have been responsible for doing simple tasks around the house since they were in first grade. Although their parents still have to clean up after them sometimes, by doing at least some housework, they are trained to be independent and to do things on their own initiative.

Children who practice the Quan Yin Method are pure, but it is hard for them to avoid learning bad language and behavior at school. Fortunately, they meditate earnestly everyday and their bad habits can be easily erased.

Young fellow initiate Yu and his sister both won prizes. This was not the first time he has won a prize. He has received flowers personally from Master, has had rides in Master's golf cart twice, and has even sat by Master's side. These priceless gifts have encouraged him greatly. He feels that Master Mommy loves little initiates very much, and he also loves Her as much. To express his love to Master Mommy, he meditates even more diligently after returning home. He wants to be a good role model for his sister.

Since both of his parents work at the local Center, he has taken the responsibility of taking care of himself and his sister. He also helps with housework so that his parents can have more time to work at the Center. He would really like to be able to do some work for Master Mommy in the future.

Especially Good Homework After Group Meditation

Little sister Yu loves Master very much. She follows Master's instructions and meditates everyday. Master has said, "Your wisdom will develop more if you meditate more." Therefore, her brother always does very well at school and sister Yu herself also always ranks highly at school. She does her homework exceptionally well, especially after group meditation. She loves Master, but she is too shy to say, "Master, I love You!" After winning the award this time, she wants to say, "Master, thank You!"

Generally speaking, parents all feel that their children have improved in their personalities, temperment and physical health after they received initiation. Parents who are spiritual practitioners are more likely to treat their children as independent individuals and as their respectful friends. Children who practice spiritually seems especially pure, innocent and natural. They also have the quality of helpfulness and the desire to be useful, honest, and trustworthy to others. They have their own spirit of independence. They help with housework, take care of younger brothers and sisters, and are self-disciplined.

With Master's love, they all willingly meditate and experience the joy of meditation. They also realize the benefits of meditation in their lives. Their other achievements such as progress in school work, enhanced abilities to learn, and development of their other talents are all due to the wonders of meditation.

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