
Samadhi In The Rain

By Fellow Initiate Ho, Melbourne, Australia
(Originally in Chinese)

That day,
From far away Hsihu
Came Your gracious Instructions.
A four-day retreat would be held
In Hawaii.

This land of charming warmth
Could shower day and night.
How could I ever forget
The sweet experience of
Meditating in the rain?
Although covered in dirt and mud,
My heart was soothingly cool,
And filled with
Your humorous words.

During last year's Seven-day retreat in Melbourne,
It showered and showered again.
It nevertheless mattered not.
For all I could hear
Were Your gracious wonderful
Words of wisdom.

Rain since has a special meaning:
There is You in the rain,
There is You in my heart,
Samadhi in the rain.

Note: Ever since returning from the four-day retreat in Hawaii, and most often during these rainy days, I especially miss Mum and family. This feeling of longing for our Master is common among us initiates, both here and overseas.

Samadhi In The Rain

Fireworks On Ching Hai Day