While On The Path

Soaring In The Sky Of Truth

By Fellow Initiate Lee, Kaohsiung, Formosa

Einstein has been my idol ever since I was a little child. The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he had worked, is the very institute I curiously wanted to know about. The book "Who Got Einstein's Office?" introduces the spirit of the institute. It also describes some fascinating personalities of the scientists who have worked at this place. The book not only satisfies my curiosity, it also gives me much inspiration.

Although this institute is the most advanced place for scholastic study, it's not impeccable. From my experience after being initiated, I feel that the Quan Yin Method and Master's teachings will make up it's shortcomings and make the realm of academic research become more brilliant and dazzling.

The Institute for Advanced Study aims to be a hot-bed of pure theory. What the scientists at the institute search for is a true reality which cannot be apprehended simply by the senses. For Plato, to reach that reality, one has to close one's eyes, withdraw inward and think. How do the scientists in the institute try to reach that goal? They do so by thinking, imagining, and theorizing.

Yet our Quan Yin Method provides a perfect approach. We can comprehend the Truth directly and completely. Master's teachings have already stated that transcendental existence is not totally detached from the physical world. Moreover, we can realize the mystery of the universe only with a truly innocent mind.

I used to believe that I could know the Truth through the guidance of scientific knowledge. After I was initiated, I deeply realized that the wisdom cultivated from meditation can inspire my logical reasoning and I can learn the real science only through that wisdom.

Einstein was puzzled by quantum theory even till his death. The problem was rooted in the paradox of the notion of subjective consciousness and objective reality. He believed that there was an objective reality which couldn't be influenced by subjective consciousness. He tried to illustrate his belief by asking questions such as, "Does the moon exist only when people look at it?"

I think that the Quan Yin Method can offer some answers for the scientists. The above paradox will be solved when we reach the consciousness of being one with every being in the universe. In that state of consciousness the distinction between a small entity and a big entity will vanish. The differentiation between the individual self and the universal self, "me", and "others", will disappear, and an individual's inner state of mind will be harmonized with the outer surroundings. No doubt, similar paradoxes occurring in the scientific field will be clarified in the state of consciousness of being one with the universe.

Following Master on the path of spirituality can help us not only obtain a complete framework of abstract theory, but also verify the Truth in our everyday life. We can balance the difference between theory and reality; reconcile the conflict between subjectivity and objectivity.

Although scientists in the institute are outstanding intellectually, they still stumble and struggle on the road towards the Truth. Yet, if we the practitioners practice spirituality with Master diligently, we surely will soar in the sky of Truth even at home.

The Revelation Of The Muni Pearl Soaring In The Sky Of Truth
Live Earnestly Without Losing The Light-Heartedness