While On The Path

As You Think, So Shall It Be

By Fellow Initiate Lin, New York, U.S.A.

Before Master came to New York for the Celestial Fashion Show, there was some preparation to be done which required the collaboration of the local fellow initiates.

With much excitement, the fellow initiates from the New York center eagerly joined Master's work-team. Regretfully, I didn't have much time to offer. I was always tied up with my children, attending classes, or working. At the time I was so ignorant that I couldn't distinguish between urgent matters, which I should have immediately attended to, and unimportant ones, which could have been disregarded. I was unable to ignore the mundane affairs temporarily to cooperate with the center.

I felt extremely terrible yet I couldn't let go. I didn't know why. I blamed myself for being unable to offer my best efforts. I wished that there was something which I could do at night without leaving home; I would do anything willingly, even without sleep.

I was talking to a fellow initiate about it three days before the fashion show. The fellow initiate tried to comfort me and said that Master understood everything, and that She had already made all the arrangements; if there was a job for me, I wouldn't be able to get away from it.

As the fashion show was fast approaching, all that needed to be done was already done, and what was not yet completed was already well underway. I was sure that there was no chance left for me.

Master, however, had heard my wish! The night before the fashion show, a brother initiate was urgently looking for someone who could type up the program for the show, and Master led him to me. I took the job and typed throughout the night - exactly like I had wished to work.

Master took care of me so meticulously and intimately that I was very touched and amazed at Her wonders. I also thought about what Master often reminds us, which is to pay attention to our thoughts. Since a spiritual practitioner's will is inconceivably powerful, we must take care not to harbor any negative or evil thoughts. For as we think, so shall it be!

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As You Think, So Shall It Be