Peace between Israel and Palestine

Peace, the Most Meaningful Celebration
(Originally in English)

What is it that can bring sheer happiness? News of peace, of course! And this is all the more so for Supreme Master Ching Hai, a peace-loving icon whose unending efforts for peace within and without have brought hope to all the corners of the globe. So it was with much elation and bliss that She received the news about the preliminary peace settlement between Israel and Palestine, with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert extending promises of policy changes for real peace. This long-awaited phenomenon is yet another sign that our world is greatly improving and that peace is prevailing.

The heartwarming news of peace between Israel and Palestine brought tears of joy to Master as She quickly sent out a message for all Association Centers around the world to celebrate with songs, dances and cakes, in light of this wonderful occasion. In Her own home, Master also rejoiced with spontaneously cooked foods and treats. The entire household was merrily absorbed in this meaningful celebration, being both exhilarated and relieved to hear of peace in this part of the Middle East. And of course, the festivity couldn’t be complete without extending it to Her family of pets, who shared our joy while nibbling on the party snacks. Master reminded everyone to say their prayers and thank Heaven for bestowing peace on Earth and for Israel and Palestine.

The initial peace talks between Israeli and Palestine transpired on November 27, 2006, coinciding with the onset of our Association’s International Retreat in Thailand. It is very interesting to note that two major peace settlements have so far occurred at the same time as Master’s schedule for public appearance. Back in 1999, in response to a letter of plea for help from a European initiate during the Kosovo crisis, Master went on a European lecture tour which covered the countries surrounding the war zone. Sharing the message of love and God’s blessings with the people, She brought much comfort to the European citizens as She tirelessly carried on with Her vigorous lecture tour schedule. Her last lecture was in London, U.K. It was during the closing of this final lecture, in the same hour, that the Kosovo peace agreement was signed, thus marking the beginning of peace in Kosovo and the commencing of the 3-day International Retreat that followed Master’s European tour. Likewise, this time, the peace talks between Israeli and Palestine began during the opening of our International Retreat in Bangkok, in which over 20,000 people convened to meditate and pray for peace in the world. Was it due to coincidence or God’s grace? To have such auspicious coincidences happen not only once, but twice, is unlikely. It seems more like God is answering our prayers through the guidance of a great Master, whose spirit for peace and love is unconditional and unending. If coincidence is considered a sign of good luck, then our world is indeed as lucky as it gets with the grace of our beloved Master! Master says that even just one day of peace is better than a thousand years of war.