
Be Ready for Intergalactic Communication

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, March 3, 1992,
(Originally in English) Videotape #223

We will do it: maybe in the future when all of the Earthians’ consciousness is uplifted and civilized, when we all think in a broader sense and on broader scale, when we think of the whole galaxy or the whole universe, when we expand our consciousness, understanding and intelligence instead of thinking of only of our house, our country or our village. Then, we will be ready for this kind of intergalactic communication; then we will learn more, we will grow faster and we will have more and more comfort in life. We will have everything we want, and we can share everything we have and share everything other planets have with us, to better our life and to build a better world for our children. This will come! But we must train ourselves in this way of broad-thinking. This is the way of a gentleman.