Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village


Sharing a Noble Way of Living

By Montreal News Group, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Originally in English)



Since January Golden Year 3 (2006), Montreal Center has been trying to distribute the Alternative Living flyers to the over two million inhabitants living in Montreal, Laval and Longueuil.

Since we began the distribution in the wintertime, it was really difficult to stay outside on the streets in the very cold weather. So we targeted the crowded underground metro stations, the main exits of shopping malls, government buildings, inside college entrances and university libraries. We also distributed at train and bus terminals that had departures to different cities in Canada, in the hope that the people who received the flyer would help bring this message to their areas.

In January, we had the opportunity to share God’s message at the annual Chinese and Aulacese New Year celebrations. In February and March, despite the harsh weather, some brother and sister initiates also ventured outside to put the flyers into mailboxes. Master was always watching and took good care of us. When we needed some upliftment, She would send out vegetarians and other angels to help and to encourage us. At some moments, we felt Master’s love so strongly that we cried out silently in joy.

June 24 is Saint-Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec. It is the most important holiday in this French-speaking province, with many festivities and events taking place. On that beautiful sunny day, fellow initiates shared the message of Alternative Living in downtown Montreal. The distribution went very well, with many people showing interest upon hearing that the flyer contained important information for their health.

An Indian family, with Jainism belief, was very impressed by our effort to promote vegetarianism. Surprisingly, even teenagers and the less fortunate people showed great interest in the flyers. There was one gentleman who was very interested in Master’s teachings and wanted to get more information. The flyer was all he needed, as he could get all the other information online from the Internet address provided. We truly can see that the time for Alternative Living has arrived and we must follow Master’s instructions to diligently spread this message.

Overall, we handed out more than 60,000 flyers in different languages, mainly in French and English, but also in Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Aulacese. Since we printed fewer copies in Chinese and Aulacese, fellow initiates also took the initiative to put advertisements in several Chinese and Aulacese local newspapers and magazines. One Aulacese weekly magazine, Thoi Moi, upon seeing the flyer’s message and recognizing its benefits, offered to print it a second time, free of charge!

Quebec City

Fellow initiates in Quebec City have been very eager to share Master’s loving message with the local population. Within about two months, through our persistent efforts to spread the noble way of life, we have handed out over 20,000 flyers throughout the city and residential areas. For the most part, the flyer has been very well received with thanks and smiles.

We continue looking for more opportunities and gatherings to share this loving message, bringing together the spirit of oneness and love among human beings and our animal friends.