Master Says

Treasure the Precious Opportunity
to Gain Spiritual Success


Spoken by Supreme Master
Ching Hai, Madrid, Spain,
May 5 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #644

Generally speaking, in the universe and on this planet, God has created many things for Hiers children to enjoy: material and also abstract things. Material things bring us comfort, wealth and many worldly satisfactions. And on the other side, abstract spiritual knowledge brings us bliss, happiness and life everlasting.

While living in this big house of planet Earth, some of our brothers and sisters are successful in material aspects and some are successful in spiritual aspects. Some are successful in both, while some unfortunately fail in both. The ones who are successful in the material aspects enjoy so much material comfort that sometimes it has the side effect that they forget the spiritual blessing God has saved for all of us. And the ones who are successful only in the spiritual aspect sometimes don’t care about material gain. This can create another the side effect for the people who see them; it makes them form an opinion that following God and practicing spiritually means going into poverty. And for those people who are successful in both the material and spiritual aspects, there can also be a side effect: People will think, “What kind of God follower is that? He’s so luxurious; he doesn’t look like a monk!”

So there’s always some side effect to everything because our mind is used to one extreme or another. Rarely can we neutralize the material and spiritual aspects to make a perfect life for ourselves. Some of us can choose to gain both material and spiritual success. It really depends on us because we are the children of God. We can choose whatever we want, but we must know how. To choose to be successful in the material world, we need to work hard; we need to know the techniques of doing business; we need to invest in opportunities to make more financial gain. Then we have to have the opportunity, the right place, connections with the right people and invest in the right way.

To be successful in the spiritual knowledge of God, we must do the same. We must find the right opportunity and associate with the right person, one who knows the spiritual way to God and who can help us remember the way that we’ve forgotten. And the funny thing is that after being successful in spiritual practice, we also often gain material success, too. That’s why in the Bible it is stated, “Seek you first the kingdom of God, and all other things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). At that time, we can choose to be a renunciate and ignore all the material gain of the world, or we can choose to be successful in business and use these benefits to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters as well as ourselves.

Some of us may envy successful business people, but we don’t realize how much work, energy, time and sacrifice they have to put into their businesses in order to gain what they have. Just for these ephemeral material, destructible things that don’t last, we work sometimes eight, ten, twelve or fourteen hours a day; we forget our wife, forget our children, forget our friends and sometimes have mental stress and get sick, get old quickly and have all kinds of discomfort just to gain material success. And of course, we forget God too, by the way. Most people, when they’re too busy, even forget themselves.

So now we come to the spiritual aspect: How much do we have to work in order to be successful in God realization, in gaining back the whole kingdom of the universe for ourselves? How much work is there? Almost none; there’s nothing to pay, no conditions, no effort, no binding, nothing! No loss, no risk, only gain. Why? Because we are the children of God; we have it already! Whatever we have in our pocket, we don’t have to pay for. You don’t have to pay for your skin; you don’t have to pay for your hair; you don’t have to pay for your beautiful smile. They’re already there.

Similarly, God is within us. All the religious scriptures say that God is within us. That means we are God; it means we are one with God or at least we’re the children of God, offspring of the most High, the Almighty, the all knowing, the all seeing, the all having, the all powerful. So in order to regain this awareness of who we really are, of how great we can really be, we must know how to get it back. To be successful in the material world we have to know the way to do business. Similarly, to be successful in the spiritual world we have to know the way to contact the source of all spiritual power.

We are the children of God; we cannot be content to live a poor life, a miserable life, an unhappy life or a helpless, powerless life, begging for everything and gaining nothing. We want to prove to ourselves what the Bible says: “You are the children of God” (John 3:1-10), that God dwells within you and that whatever you want, “Knock and the door shall be opened; ask and it shall be given unto you” (Matthew 7:6-8). We want to prove this to ourselves because we want to glorify God. And that’s the only way to glorify Hirm, not by bowing to Hirm a hundred times a day, not by fasting, not by talking loudly to Hirm but by proving that Hes’ glorious. By being successful in our spiritual life as well as our material life, we glorify our Father, we prove that Hes exists.

It sounds like very big work, but there’s not much to do. For example, if I have a ring on my finger and I want to look at it, I take it off and look at it. It’s that easy. Knowing God is as easy as that! I’m not here to teach you anything new or to be your teacher. I’m only here to remind you how to prove that our Father loves all of us equally, that our Father in Heaven is really the Almighty and that we are really Hiers children.

In order to do that, we just have to be quiet for some moments in our life. Instead of lying there doing nothing, we should know how to focus and then we can communicate with God; first we can see a glimpse of Hirm and then we can see more and more of God each day as we communicate with Hirm. And we’ll be happier and happier every day, more intelligent every day, more contented, more satisfied, more blissful, more enlightened, more everything! And finally one day we’ll completely remember who we are, and then we can declare like Lord Jesus declared, “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30).

Every one of us can do this because we are one with the Father. If you want to remember this again, I am willing to spend my time and effort to help you. It’s my honor.