Report from New Zealand

Sharing a Noble Message
with the South Pacific

Reported by New Zealand News Group

[New Zealand] After receiving Master’s loving instructions regarding dissemination of the Alternative Living flyer to all corners of the world, initiates in New Zealand immediately contacted a local printing company and printed 10,000 two-sided flyers with English on one side and Chinese on the other. Sisters and brothers then distributed the flyers at the 7th Annual Auckland Lantern Festival in February, a popular event enjoyed by thousands of people in celebration of the Chinese New Year.

An additional 10,000 English flyers were printed, and fellow practitioners are now distributing those on a daily basis to different local areas. Since the printing costs in New Zealand are very expensive, initiates requested Formosan counterparts to help print 200,000 more copies of the Alternative Living flyer. Once they are received from Formosa, initiates will travel to the many nearby small island countries in the South Pacific Ocean to share Master’s noble message. 


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What can human beings do to deal with repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases? To address this question and save the lives of countless animals, Master has personally compiled a concise article complete with colorful illustrations entitled “Alternative Living”, providing basic information about vegetarian alternatives to the meat-based diet and a list of the “Vegetarian and Vegan Elite of the World.”
Please refer to for details. The print version in various languages will be available later. You are welcome to forward, reproduce, reprint or set up an Internet link to this flyer.