Panorama of Events

Report from New Zealand

Sharing the Ultimate Method
and Noble Lifestyle
at a Spiritual Festival

By sister-initiate Lynda James, Nelson, New Zealand
(Originally in English)

[Nelson] On February 25 and 26, 2006, the Annual Spiritual Festival was held in Founders Park, Nelson, New Zealand. There, many workshops were held and local initiates set up a booth in the Park’s Energy Centre. The highlight of the initiates’ display was the presentation of Master’s lectures on a television screen.

One person who approached the booth was a woman carrying a baby who had learned of Master through a fellow practitioner from Golden Bay. She knew little of Master’s teachings, but had been drawn to the lecture. After watching Master speak for a while she asked many questions regarding the spiritual Sound and also told practitioners that she and her husband, both well-known musicians in the Nelson area, had been vegetarian for over twenty years. Concerning the inner Sound, she said that all of her musical compositions arise from her ‘inner melodies’ and she had always wondered why other people didn’t experience this inner music. After hearing Master’s talk, she had a better understanding. The next day, she returned to the booth and told the fellow practitioners that she had read Masters’ sample booklet and enjoyed it very much. She said she would definitely arrange to come and learn the Convenient Method in the near future.

The second day of the Festival was another hot, sunny day with a refreshing breeze blowing in from the sea. Many guests stopped at the booth to read about Master and take free sample booklets and Alternative Living pamphlets. Thus, the Festival presented an amazing opportunity to distribute Master's message promoting a healthy vegetarian lifestyle, with many people giving the positive declaration that they were already vegetarians. Practitioners were also surprised by the feedback that many recognized Master’s pictures at the booth from weekly local TV and radio programs presenting Master’s teachings, saying how much they enjoyed Her lectures, with some mentioning they recommended the talks to their friends and relatives in other cities.

Through participating in the two-day festival, practitioners came to more fully appreciate that the consciousness of the planet has been elevated, that souls are being awakened and that more people are beginning to change their lifestyle in a way that extends greater love and care toward all fellow beings. It is a time when people are starting to search for the spiritual path that will take them to eternal liberation.


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To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events. You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: