Panorama of Events

Report from USA

Alternative Living in Action

By Jolly Chiou, San Jose (Originally in English)

[San Jose, California] To help promote the practical aspects of Alternative Living, initiates at the San Jose Center now offer vegetarian cooking classes on the second Saturday of each month. Led by expert vegetarian chefs whose cuisines represent six different regions around the globe, these classes are designed to teach participants how to prepare delicious vegetarian dishes and are open to anyone interested in adopting a more natural and health-conscious manner of cooking.

Those who attend the classes range from non-initiated guests to Convenient Method and newly-initiated practitioners as well as longer-time initiates. Local practitioners were moved to hear that some attendees had come because of their children, who were interested in adopting the vegetarian way of life and had requested that their parents attend these classes. Furthermore, people arrived from all over the Bay area, with some individuals even driving over two hours to attend.

In a recent class held at a fellow sister's house, all who attended were so excited about what they had learned that they inquired with great anticipation as to where the next class would be held. In this class, which featured “Nut and Seed Pate,” consisting of vegetables and seasoning as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, one Middle Eastern attendee expressed her pleasant surprise that the dish retained its natural delicious flavor even though it did not contain any eggs. She explained that traditionally in her country, this dish would always contain eggs. What was even more inspiring was that this particular attendee owns a restaurant and is attending these classes in the hope that she can change her entire menu to becoming meatless.

In every class, the atmosphere is always very warm and touching. And as the format of the demonstration continues to improve, the sessions become more professional. At the current growth rate, classes will soon need to be held at a public facility in order to accommodate a larger group of people. Fellow brothers and sisters know in their hearts that it is because Master has elevated the whole world that the population who are interested in vegetarianism has risen promptly.


A Fruitful Seminar Satisfies All

By Mai Thanh Phan and Sophie Lapaire (Originally in English)

[San Jose, California] On February 25, 2006, initiates from the San Jose Center held a video seminar at the stunning, newly built Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in downtown San Jose. The facility draws students, professors and local residents of all ages and backgrounds seven days a week so it was a perfect location to introduce Master and Her teachings. Usually, only organizations affiliated with San Jose State University are allowed to book two rooms in the Library, but through Master's arrangement, we were able to reserve a large venue free of charge.

On the day of the event, guests from many regions of the world, brought a rich cultural mix to the event. They responded positively and paid full attention to the entire presentation of Master’s lecture. Most of them seemed open to becoming vegetarian and already familiar with the concept. In fact, one woman sitting in the front row enjoyed Master so much that she couldn't help saying to the other guests behind her, “What a wonderful sense of humor She has.” The fact that the audience remained focused and paid close attention to the presentation of Master’s lecture was rather amazing given that the lecture and questions went well over an hour. Everyone enjoyed Master’s delightful sense of humor.

The audience asked some questions after the video presentation, all of which showed genuine respect and interest in understanding Master's teachings and deepening their wisdom. Many people seemed amazed that someone could lecture, paint, write and design clothes and jewelry in what seemed to be a completely effortless way.

At the end of the seminar, twenty-four people learned the Convenient Method and several wanted to be initiated, including some who had been vegetarian since birth. After the Convenient Method meditation session, one woman came up to an initiate and asked, “Why didn’t I see any light?” She was then asked if she felt peaceful within. Her face immediately brightened up and she replied, “Oh, yes! I have four kids and even in my sleep I never feel that peaceful!” She then understood that this feeling was a part of her experience and was so happy that she wanted to sign up for initiation. Another guest said, “The event was very enlightening and I’m very happy to be here today. If there are more similar events in the future, I’ll surely recommend them to all my friends and everyone who would be interested in the program. Before I was confused by a lot of information, but by listening to the program today I can get answers easily. I’m very happy to be here.”

Moreover, some guests really enjoyed Master’s publications booth, and the Aulacese visitors especially loved Master’s poetry books, with one beautiful young lady asking for Master’s poetry collection Wu Tzu, and saying, “I want to complete my collection with this old version of Master’s poems.”

The video seminar at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library was a beautiful experience for visitors and initiates alike, and all the arrangements went smoothly as we all had a chance to participate and share the blessings. Thank You, Master, for being with us always.


Sharing Master’s Love and Blessings
through a Series of Programs and Seminars

By Diana Nguyen, Houston (Originally in English)

[Houston, Texas] Because of Master’s ongoing love and compassion for humanity, Houston initiates have been blessed to share Her teachings on television and radio as well as through monthly seminars.

Monthly Seminars

A local Quan Yin vegetarian restaurant is now the venue for a monthly public two-hour video seminar in which Master’s teachings, the vegetarian lifestyle and the Convenient practice of meditation are offered. Seminar attendees receive Master’s DVD, “The Real Heroes: Why We Should Be Vegetarian,” as well as other materials including the Alternative Living flyer. Houston Center initiates also plan to share Master’s teachings with those who seek spiritual guidance in the local prison system.

Television Broadcasts

For many years now, Master's discourses have been broadcast over the local public access TV channels in Houston. For the most part of last year, one-hour shows were broadcast every Saturday from 6 pm to 7 pm. At the present time, they continue to be aired once every two to four weeks. The programs are shown on Channel 17 via Warner Cable and Channel 98 on Kingwood Cable in Houston, Texas. Hundreds of people have called in after the broadcasts to request sample booklets and information on the Quan Yin Method. Many have gone on to learn the Convenient Method, and some have received full initiation.

Radio Broadcasts

Starting in January 2006, Master’s teachings have been aired on Radio Tieng Nuoc Toi (TNT) in Houston. Master’s program is broadcast on this Aulacese station Mondays and Saturdays from 4pm-5pm (CST).

Houston practitioners would like to thank Master for all that She has done in uplifting the world’s beings and giving us tremendous blessings.



A Truly High Energy Expo

By the Los Angeles News Group (Originally in English)

[Los Angeles, California] On the brisk, sunny Saturday of March 11, 2006, Los Angeles Center initiates participated in a Holistic Living Expo event held at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach, California. This event featured natural approaches to healing, rejuvenation, wellness, fashion and beauty, along with a ‘metaphysical marketplace’ that included mind-body-spirit workshops and free lectures.

To present Master’s message as effectively as possible, the sisters and brothers set up a video projector and large video screen to play Her lectures continuously throughout the day, along with an eye-catching display featuring a wide array of Master’s sample booklets, Alternative Living leaflets, The Real Heroes DVDs and other Quan Yin publications. Besides this “food for the soul,” the Los Angeles practitioners had prepared a large number of free vegetarian spring rolls, dumplings, vegetarian paté-filled pastries, cookies and bottled water, which were enthusiastically consumed by a steady stream of Expo attendees who came by the booth.

Initiates noticed that the energy at the Expo was very positive and loving, which they felt was undoubtedly due to Master’s recent work in elevating the Earth’s consciousness. Many guests visited Master’s booth, where they acquired Her materials and were able to easily access the delicious food that had been placed in small bags for convenient transport. Commenting on the magnetic quality of the Quan Yin display, one visitor said, “Your booth is one of the most popular here because it has the most people helping and the most excitement. Everyone is so gracious and friendly, urging you to be ‘gifted’ with food and free literature, without hidden agenda or fees. You’re not selling a product but promoting a way of life.” And another person remarked, “This is the highest energy display at the Expo—very positive vibes! And you reached out to us instead of waiting for us to approach you.”

Also, a sweet woman named Karen, whose “soul readings” booth directly faced the video screen so she could watch Master’s lectures non-stop all day, was very sensitive and insightful as she recognized Master’s power, saying, “Your booth has very good energy. You all have been very kind to me, feeding me, and I’ve been blessed all day with Master’s energy. I feel you’re doing beautiful work and you’re very dedicated to it. You feel good because you’re helping others.” And the Expo’s organizer later said to initiates, “I’d like to work with you again in the future because you’re very friendly, organized and you have healthy good food! You have one of the most popular booths at the place.”

Finally, another loving non-initiated person in an adjoining booth seemed to have a special affinity with Master and offered to place Master’s materials and a tray of vegetarian food on her table. Also, since practitioners had registered too late to reserve a time to give a talk during the event, this sister, Valerie, kindly offered to let a brother have part of her allotted time to speak about Master and vegetarianism. Afterwards, she hugged the brother and said with emotion, “I love you all and would love to travel with you. You’re kind, supportive and authentic, even with different generations of people working together. You definitely ‘walk your talk’ [i.e., put your teachings into action]. It’s wonderful to witness the vibration around your booth, which is very high so that people are attracted to see what you’re about.” This person even wrote a personal note on a piece of paper and gave it to the initiates: “I am grateful to Master Ching Hai and the disciples for creating the peace and love to heal our planet.”

This sincere outpouring of feeling from both the visitors and the other participants in the Expo were truly inspiring to the initiates and demonstrated the incredible power of Master’s infinite love. Everyone felt very thankful to Master, for infusing this Holistic Living Expo with such a strong current of blessing energy! 


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Event Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events. You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: