Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs

602 (Spoken in English
with Chinese subtitles)

Our Child Nature is God

Group Meditation in Los Angeles, U.S.A., September 13 and December 14, 1997

Summary: Master reminds us that only our child nature within is our true God nature. When we enter samadhi during meditation we often attain that innocent state and become as children, angels or God, experiencing the pure joy of our original being. At such times we truly realize that everything is perfect and that all we wish for will come true. So Quan Yin practitioners need use their minds very little; we only need to remember our true nature, which is the source of our creative power and then we can accomplish anything!

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest MP3s

MP3-CG03 (Spoken in Chinese)

1. The Influence of Books on Readers
    Group meditation in Taipei, Formosa, October 25, 1988
2. The Benefits of Meditation
    Group meditation in Taipei, Formosa, October 25, 1988
3. The Secrets of Spiritual Progress
    Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, October 29, 1988
4. Rebirth into a Better World is Different than Liberation
    Group meditation in Pingtung, Formosa, November 2, 1988
5. The Infinite Power of an Enlightened Master
    Group meditation in Tainan, Formosa, November 3, 1988
6. Where is Our Real Self?
    Group meditation in Hualien, Formosa, November 4, 1988
7. How a Buddha Benefits Sentient Beings in the Six States of Existence
    Group meditation in Hualien, Formosa, November 4, 1988
8. The Longing Heart
    Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, November 6, 1988
9. Practitioners Need to Go Through Spiritual Trials
    Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, November 12, 1988
10. Why We Should Not Practice Magic
    Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, November 12, 1988
11. What is Real Magic?
    Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, November 12, 1988


New Books

God Takes Care of Everything —Illustrated Tales of Wisdom

by Supreme Master Ching Hai
now available in French

This colorful volume contains twenty of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s inspiring stories presented in the form of lively, amusing comic strips suitable for all ages. Each story expresses profound themes of great educational value that will touch readers’ hearts and fill them with bliss.

The book’s appealing and uplifting parables encourage youngsters to develop their full mental, creative and personal potentials by conveying noble Truths in an easy to understand format. In today’s complex technological society, this treasured book offers nourishment for children’s minds and souls in a relaxed, enjoyable way through the humor and wisdom of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

The above-mentioned stories are presented serially in vivid multimedia animation with lively sound effects; for on-line viewing please visit:
http://www.Godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/illustrate/index.htm (English - Formosa)
http://www.Godsdirectcontact.net/eng/illustrate/index.htm (English - U.S.A.)

To order Master’s publications, please contact:
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, Formosa
Tel: (886) 2-87873935 / Fax: (886) 2-87870873
E-mail: smchbooks@Godsdirectcontact.org
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Postal Account: The Supreme Master Ching Hai Publishing Co., Ltd.
Please visit our bookshop’s website to download our catalogue and
summaries of the contents of Master’s latest publications:
http://www.smchbooks.com/ (in English and Chinese)