Love in Action

 Report from Chile

A Blessing in Disguise
Reaches a Woman in Need

By the Chile News Group (Originally in Spanish)

During the winter of 2004, severe flooding in rural Chile left many families isolated and without food, housing and other resources. At the time, local authorities and agencies mobilized to help the victims as the news media published reports on the disaster and its consequences. Thus, Chilean initiates learned that the flood had destroyed homes, caused bridges to be closed and forced numerous families to seek shelter in schools in mountainous Lago Ranco Township.

Feeling touched and desiring to help the victims, the initiates contacted local emergency relief personnel to learn how they could lend assistance and were informed about the dramatic situation of Mrs. Aurora Leiva, whose humble dwelling on the banks of Ranco Lake had suffered damage to its foundation. When the normally peaceful local river became turbulent due to the flooding, the elderly woman and her sons were forced to flee the home in a raft, bringing only a few items along with them. After the flood waters receded, Mrs. Aurora returned to her home, but months later was still without funds to make the necessary repairs. The Township government was unable to assist her as priority was being given to rebuilding the region's roads and bridges.

In February, 2005, the Chile Center reported on Mrs. Aurora's difficulty to the headquarters in Hsihu, saying that she needed US$1,200 to repair her house. Later a Quan Yin messenger traveled to the Center to conduct an initiation, and brought this amount to express Master's love for her.

Then the Director of the Emergency Office of Lago Ranco Township, Mr. Germán Olea, provided the Quan Yin initiates with a list of materials needed to repair Mrs. Aurora's home. And together with her daughter Nora we purchased lumber, nails and zinc sheets to repair the roof. Next we set out immediately to visit Mrs. Aurora, who knew nothing about our intentions because her daughter wanted to surprise her. When the sweet old woman came out to greet us we had a deeply touching encounter, and when she learned of our mission she was so astonished she did not know how to react. Afterwards she showed us her home and the river that had flooded, describing her anguishing experience during the ordeal, and then invited us for tea. As we conversed everyone was happy and contented and felt like a family. We then gave Mrs. Aurora a basket full of fruit and vegetables and some financial aid, and a few days later the materials to repair her house were transported.

Through this experience we came to realize that it is often difficult to tell the difference between fortune and misfortune. Due to the suffering caused by the 2004 flood Mrs. Aurora had the chance to receive our Master's kind assistance and infinite blessings. So the disaster was a blessing in disguise.


USA | Panama | Chile | Brazil | Indonesia | Thailand | Formosa |
Expenditures for Charitable Activities in Formosa from March to June 2005
Expenditures for Relief Work by The Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Her Association in Chile, Brazil and Indonesia