Report from Texcoco,Mexico


Master’s Guidance
Produces a Perfect Seminar

By the Texcoco News Group

Caption: Many attendees fill out applications to learn the Convenient Method.

[Texcoco] On February 4, 2005, initiates from the Texcoco Center presented a video seminar at Texcoco´s Social Care Center to spread Master's sacred teachings to local residents. Although the sisters and brothers encountered many obstacles while preparing for the event, Master's infinite blessings and loving care allowed the project to end up perfectly.

For instance, local city regulations restricted the distribution of flyers and posters within city limits so the initiates obediently went to the outskirts of town to hand out seminar information. And to their surprise, they found many sincere individuals in search of God living in these areas. For instance, one elderly woman read her flyer and expressed gratitude that young people have an opportunity to find a noble path such as the Quan Yin Method that can give them a way to be closer to God and gain great benefits.

In another case, an initiate who volunteered to hand out flyers was involved in a hit and run accident with a car while driving her scooter. She could have been very seriously injured but instead received only an ankle injury and decided to continue her mission to distribute flyers. By the end of the day the sister experienced severe ankle pain, and that night she dreamed that Master came and healed her ankle and the next day the pain was completely gone.

Soon, the much anticipated day of the event arrived and the venue was filled to capacity. When Master’s video was shown, the entire audience listened attentively, and the presence of Master's love was sensed so strongly that all the attendees experienced tremendous joy and happiness.

Because the consumption of meat is very high in the Texcoco area, the fellow practitioners worked hard to prepare information about vegetarianism. And when the time to explain the vegetarian diet arrived the guests showed great interest in learning about this new way of eating. During the discussion, the initiates described the physical and spiritual basis for being vegetarian. And afterwards a woman attending the seminar shared her experience with the audience, saying, “I once saw a truck full of pigs being transported and could hear the crying of the pigs asking for mercy. After that experience, I could never eat pork again.” The woman added that she did continue eating fish, but after hearing the initiates’ explanation of the benefits of pure vegetarianism, she would never eat fish again.

After the seminar, thirty guests learned the Convenient Method of meditation, and the great majority had good experiences. One person was cured of back pain and tiredness, and others said they could feel the infinite compassion and love of Master toward all beings.

The divine miracles and love witnessed by the Texcoco initiates before and during the February 4 video seminar have inspired them to continue sharing the good news about Supreme Master Ching Hai, Who has come to help us and take us all Home. The brothers and sisters are thankful to Master for giving them the chance to humbly serve their community, and words cannot express their gratitude for what Master does for the world in both the visible and invisible realms.



Report from Xalapa,Mexico


The City of Flowers Glows
with Spiritual Light

By the Veracruz News Group

[Xalapa] Xalapa, capital of the state of Veracruz, Mexico, is known as the “City of Flowers” due to its numerous parks, gardens, trees and flower bushes that flourish throughout the city. Besides its beauty, the city also boasts the major government, cultural and educational institutions in Veracruz State and warm-hearted citizens deeply interested in both cultural and spiritual matters.

In order to introduce our beloved Master’s teachings and the Quan Yin Method to Xalapa’s residents, local initiates with the help of practitioners from other cities in Mexico held a video seminar in the Theater of the State, one of the city’s most beautiful auditoriums, on Friday, February 18, 2005.

On the day of the seminar, a number of eager guests arrived an hour early, and a few minutes after the scheduled starting time the auditorium was almost full. While Master’s video-lecture was being presented, the place became filled with a blissful atmosphere, and afterwards more than two thirds of the audience members learned the Convenient Method of meditation, with some having good inner experiences. In fact, one guest even had a vision of Master’s Light form. Subsequently, all of the new Truth seekers were invited to the Xalapa Center to join in CM group meditation and several asked to receive initiation.



Report from Queretaro, Mexico


A Powerful Holy Fire
Appears at Queretaro!

By the Mexico News Group


[Queretaro] On March 11, 2005, residents of Queretaro, Mexico enjoyed a public video seminar on the Method that leads sentient beings to their true Home at the city’s State Cultural Center.

Prior to the seminar fellow initiates from Mexico City and Texcoco helped local Convenient Method practitioners put up Master’s posters, distribute thousands of fliers and publicize the event on several radio stations. The activity was also promoted on TV, and when the initiates approached the manager of the local TV station his response was remarkably supportive. After they explained their desire to share Master’s teachings and the Quan Yin Method with local citizens through a public video seminar the manager immediately accommodated them with an interview the following morning.

Also, a day before the seminar a particularly astounding phenomenon occurred. After a group of practitioners had finished distributing fliers and were walking back to the meditation center, one of the brothers exclaimed, “Look, the grass is on fire!” But as they drew closer to the area that appeared to be ablaze, surprisingly there was no fire, but only a Quan Yin flier lying on the grass. Upon rescuing the blessed flier, they realized the immense power behind our beloved Master’s teachings, which on that occasion manifested as a Holy Fire. Thus, in all Quan Yin materials there appears to be an unspeakable divine quality!

On the special day of the seminar hungry Truth seekers of all ages filled the venue, and moments before it began, a local newspaper reporter interviewed several brothers and sisters about the Quan Yin path and took photos. Afterwards a Convenient Method practitioner and a sister-initiate shared their experiences with the attentive audience. The CM practitioner’s mother, who was sitting in the audience, began crying while listening to her daughter as she was overwhelmed by the young woman’s sincerity. Later the sister-initiate spoke and everyone marveled at how young and beautiful she looked at sixty years of age. Thus, she was moved to explain, “Being vegetarian and practicing meditation is good for the soul and keeps your body healthy.”

During the screening of Master’s DVD lecture all the guests were moved, and during the question-and-answer session only deep spiritual questions were posed. Afterwards, most of the seminar participants stayed to learn the Convenient Method of meditation and had great experiences of inner Light, past Masters and our all compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai. When the event ended some people stayed on to learn more about Master’s teachings and get more details about spiritual practice.

The Mexican practitioners who participated in the Queretaro video seminar are all deeply grateful to God for giving them this chance to grow in wisdom, gain rapid spiritual progress, and act as vessels for the infinite Ocean of Love that delivers sentient beings to the other Shore.

Panorama of Events:
Mexico | USA | Canada | India | Australia | Korea | Cameroon | Formosa


Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: