Love in Action

Report from Japan

Bringing Loving Solace to
Typhoon and Earthquake Victims

By the Tokyo and Gunma Centers
(Originally in Japanese)

Storms and Rain are Strong but Love is Even Stronger

On October 20, 2004, Typhoon Tokage twice made landfall on Japan, first striking Kochi Prefecture at around 1:00 PM and then hitting Osaka Prefecture at 6:00 PM. The eye of the Typhoon cut across the whole of Honshu Island, and since the storm's diameter was massive, it caused severe damage. The Typhoon also brought unusually heavy rainfall to a vast area of the country, which in turn caused serious flooding. The most devastated regions were Hyogo and Kyoto Prefectures, where more than 40,000 residents were forced to evacuate their homes. In Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, ninety percent of the local households suffered from flood damage.

Upon receiving instructions from our compassionate Master Ching Hai, fellow practitioners from the Gunma Center went to the affected area early the next morning to assess the situation. And the closer the initiates got to Toyooka, the more obstacles they encountered on the road, so it took nearly twelve hours to reach the city. After discussing a plan of action, the Gunma and Tokyo Centers cooperated in obtaining a four-ton truck, fully loaded it with urgently needed mineral water and isotonic drinks, and rushed to the affected area to provide timely relief to the victims.

Heart-warming Concern Eases an Earthquake's Devastation

Then, on the afternoon of October 23, before the people of Japan could recover from the effects of Typhoon Tokage, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8 on the Richter Scale struck the north-eastern region of their country from Tohoku to Kinki. The quake's epicenter was in Chuetsu (central Niigata), Niigata Prefecture, and the main tremor was followed by a series of strong aftershocks, which completely disrupted traffic and caused the first ever derailment of the high speed Shinkansen (bullet train) Railway. Also, in outlying areas, water, electricity and gas services were disrupted and many villages were completely cut off from outside communication, becoming like isolated islands.

Once again, Master instructed local fellow practitioners to render material and spiritual aid to the victims. And in order to more efficiently convey Her love, the Gunma and Tokyo Centers launched independent relief operations. The Tokyo initiates split into three teams, and on October 24 the first team went to the affected area in Niigata to distribute snacks at a middle school that was accommodating victims, and then rushed to Mitsuke City. On the way, the relief team noticed that all the local roads had been seriously damaged, and many houses had been toppled by landslides. After arriving in Mitsuke the sisters and brothers contributed more than ten cases of mineral water to the local relief supply center, and then distributed aid materials at a nearby primary school and child-care center where victims were raking refuge. The initiates also distributed twenty-six cases of mineral water and seven boxes of snacks to people living in the vicinity, who expressed their wholehearted gratitude to the practitioners for their support.

Then on October 27, the second team went to Ojiya City, the area most severely affected by the quake. In the beginning, the initiates were unable to make any progress because all the roads in this mountainous region had been destroyed. However, through Master's blessing, they soon foun

d it possible to travel through local villages, and successfully reached four communities in the Kawai region. Observing that the mountain roads had been destroyed, the villagers had created a temporary road that zigzagged through their fields and lands so that the relief team members could reach their destination.

On the 28th, bringing along flashlights, batteries, sweets and other materials they had purchased, along with twenty new wool blankets contributed by a shop owner, the initiates visited three small communities in the Iwasawa area. Most of the villagers had gone to take refuge at the homes of friends and relatives, leaving behind only the elderly, who had wished to remain in their community, and who were extremely delighted to receive the materials. The relief team then had difficulty leaving the region because they were unfamiliar with local roads, but incredibly, someone would always appear at the right time to show them the way.

On the 29th, the initiates heard that Yoshitani, a small village nearby had been severely devastated by the earthquake so they immediately determined the victims' needs and distributed flashlights, batteries, fruit, rice balls and small stoves. This time, the shop owner who had earlier contributed blankets provided more blankets along with free eating utensils, and the victims were overjoyed to receive the items as well as the other relief materials.

The third team of fellow practitioners went to Ojiya City to distribute flashlights, heating packs, bananas, instant soup and canned food. As many houses in this district had collapsed, the initiates also helped many victims to tidy up their ravaged homesteads.

On the evening of the 30th, the second and third teams joined forces to prepare food for the victims and volunte

er workers at a local general welfare center. The items the initiates served included American style tomato soup and udon noodles (traditional Japanese thick noodles) with vegetables. The center housed about two hundred victims, along with more than a hundred volunteer workers from across the country who were staying there temporarily. Observing the people's satisfaction and appreciation of the delicious food, the relief team members were greatly delighted and encouraged. Then early on the morning of the 31st, the sisters and brothers planned to prepare rice balls for the villages that had been visited by the second team. While they were pondering how to cook the rice, another group lent them a huge electric cooker, showing that the sincere wishes of spiritual practitioners are always quickly realized. The relief team members then prepared 250 rice balls and sent them to Yoshitani. The freshly prepared food was still hot when it reached the hands of the victims, thus warming both their bodies and spirits.

Disaster Victims Greatly Appreciate Udon Noodles Prepared with Love

The advance team of fellow practitioners from the Gunma Center entered the affected area ten hours after the October 23rd earthquake hit. A group of initiates who had previously gone to Toyooka to assess the damage caused by Typhoon Tokage also proceeded to Niigata early the next morning to distribute relief materials. At the same time, a backup team was standing by at the Center round the clock gathering information, analyzing the situation, maintaining constant communication with the relief teams in the field and providing them with the latest news on conditions. After discussing strategy, the Tokyo and Gunma disciples decided to work together to distribute milk powder, paper diapers and toilet tissue to the victims. Another concern was that the local residents were living without water, electricity and natural gas and so could eat only dry, uncooked food. Thus the initiates decided to serve the victims steaming hot udon noodles cooked with rich ingredients.

To make sure they would convey their love and concern to those in the greatest need, the sisters and brothers proceeded to the region closest to the quake's epicenter, which was heavily devastated and where government relief was late in arriving. Most of the roads leading to this area were damaged so the relief team had to make numerous detours. At some places, both sides of the road had collapsed and the road surfaces were twisted and deformed. To deal with this situation, the team members kept reciting the Holy Names in their hearts, and fumbled their way through the rough mountain passes. Thus, through Master's blessing, they smoothly traversed many roads that even the local people had failed to navigate.

During their trip, the relief team served the cooked food at very remote primary schools, welfare centers and child care centers. And although the number of people taking shelter in these places was often many times greater than the initiates had estimated, everyone managed to receive attractive, fragrant and delicious udon noodles within a short time. After having eaten only bread and fast food for several days, the victims were delighted to be able to eat the boiling hot noodles lovingly prepared with sumptuous ingredients. Many cried openly while savoring the food, exclaiming that they had never eaten noodles that tasted so delicate and delicious, and that they would never forget the experience for the rest of their lives! One bedridden elderly gentleman said, "Since the earthquake struck, this is the first time that my stomach has felt so contented. Even my physical condition has improved!" Also, the daughter-in-law of another bedridden older man said with great courtesy, "After the earthquake, my father-in-law hasn't been able to eat anything. However, he said that he might be able to eat some udon noodles if there were any available. This is his first meal in a couple of days. I wonder if you could give me some more?" At that moment, we truly understood why Master had guided us to these far-flung places.

For the earthquake relief workers, transporting the foodstuffs, cooking utensils, water, tents and other equipment from one place to another was a strenuous task. However, when they saw how happy the victims were while enjoying their meals, all their diligent effort became deeply meaningful. And after witnessing the miserable lives of the victims left homeless by the disaster, the sisters and brothers began including increasingly sumptuous ingredients in the udon noodles they prepared. In addition, they not only served victims but also post-disaster workers, who worked hard day and night to restore the community's utilities, enduring cold and hunger in the process. Among them were technicians from the local electric company whose energy was replenished by the lovingly prepared food, and who after eating bravely resumed their work in the pouring rain. In gratitude to the relief team, some recipients closed their palms in appreciation, some bowed deeply and others tearfully said thank you before they left.

Besides providing hot meals, the initiates also distributed blessed food, medicine, heating packs, damp tissues and other items to extend their concern to children and the bedridden elderly. Some of the old folks poured out their grief to the practitioners about their suffering due to the earthquake, while others vividly described events during the disaster. To many of the elderly, Master's love conveyed through the initiates provided some measure of solace in this difficult time.

In addition, many miracles occurred while the disaster relief project was conducted. For example, everywhere the fellow practitioners went, electrical power had been cut off so the victims were restless and could not sleep at night. Even if they could get some sleep, they would soon be awakened by aftershocks from the earthquake. However, in several places where the quake victims enjoyed the initiates' udon noodles, the power supply was soon restored and the lights were turned back on! Master had brought light back to the people, and everyone present clapped and cheered! Thus many victims finally had their first peaceful night's sleep after the quake.


During the October 2004 typhoon and earthquake relief operations, the initiates of Tokyo and Gunma had many precious experiences, and realized that when we do Master's work, we might be short-handed at times, but as long as we can follow the guidance of the inner Master, seemingly impossible things become possible. Thus, Master's infinite love is similar to an intangible suit of armor that always protects us so that we can efficiently bring physical and spiritual comfort to disaster victims and others in need. Master! We are truly grateful to You!

Expenditures by The Supreme Master Ching Hai for relief provided to typhoon and earthquake victims in Japan
(Currency in Japanese Yen)

Event Items Amount Appendix
Typhoon Water and transportation 486,322 (US$4,694.54) A1~5
Earthquake *Food: water, milk powder, fruit, vegetables, canned food, soy protein, udon noodles, seasonings *Cooking utensils *Daily necessities: diapers for infants, hygiene materials, disposable eating utensils, slippers, flashlights, heating packs, disposable heating stoves, woolen quilts, medicine *Gasoline and transportation 1,433,872 (US$13,789.44) B1~24
Total:   1,920,194 (US$18,483.98)  


Letters of Appreciation

(Originally in Japanese)

Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much for your kindness and for serving warm delicious udon noodles early in the morning after the earthquake. The Kamitsubono townspeople are still experiencing intermittent aftershocks due to the earthquake and do not know when their water supply will be restored. So we will be inconvenienced for a while, but will try our best to get through this situation with the cooperation of the town authorities.

We would like to apologize for sending this thank-you card late, and would also like to send our appreciation for your warm-hearted thoughts.

Yours respectfully,
The Kamitsubono townspeople of Ojiya, Niigata, Japan

Love in Action:
| Panama | Formosa
