Selected Questions and Answers 

Eliminate Negative Influences by Practicing Spirituality

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, July 28, 2002 Videoconference with initiates from
Houston, USA (Originally in English) Videotape # 745

Q: Master, I’m just happy. I look better and feel better because I changed my way of thinking after initiation. I used to have a lot of negative energy, which I’ve been able to get rid of.

M:Yes. We don’t need all that garbage. We should always try to correct our thinking because it trips us up all day long. You’re just happy, and then something happens and you might start thinking negatively. At that time, use all your power from meditation to push it out. Say, “No, I don’t need you. You’re an unwelcome guest. Bye-bye.” Otherwise, the negative power tries to steal our positive moments all the time.

Each time you try to be happy or you’re happy, someone just comes and does something bad, or gives you some command or is clumsy. Or something else happens, and your mood starts to change immediately: “You can’t do that! Blah, blah, blah…” And then you begin to lose the happiness that you’ve just begun to enjoy; this is the devil’s trick. So we always have to be diligent and push away any negative feeling or thinking at any moment because we’re actually all one.

Many days, I feel it’s ridiculous to even go out and talk because I feel we’re all transparent. I feel that I can’t speak badly about someone without that person knowing it or seeing me and listening to me.

So that’s why you need to keep your mouth quiet and your thoughts positive; because you can’t hide. After we begin to meditate, we can’t hide from anyone. We’re transparent. We’re everywhere, and we’re one with everyone. And that’s the very good thing about meditation on God consciousness because we’re really connected, and that’s how we better ourselves. Even if we don’t want to, we just get better and better.

Q: Right. Now, even the smallest thing that I do wrong bothers me.
M:Yes! You correct yourself right away.

Q: Or something happens to correct me?
M:Yes, it’s true, maybe a headache, or maybe a loss or maybe something else. Good, I’m so glad because I know you’re progressing. I know you’re really progressing, every one of you, even the so-called lousiest fellow practitioners. Even if I rebuke or scold you, I know in my heart that you’re fine. You’re OK; you’re progressing, and maybe I’m just pushing you a little harder than I should. But I have to be mother and father and all kinds of things. It’s hard on me, too. Have pity, OK? (Master laughs.) Forgive me if I’m harsh with you sometimes, but it’s necessary, it’s good.

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