Selected Questions and Answers 

Live in the Present
and Pacify the World with Love

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates from Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.,
July 21, 2002 (Originally in English) Videotape # 745

Q: Dear Master, recently there have been more wars, fighting and natural disasters in the world and I’m very sad and worried. What should we do other than meditate more?

M:Love is the only solution. But most people conceal their love within their hearts for fear of getting hurt or of reliving past experiences they had with other people or other beings. So they withdraw their love. Otherwise, we were all born with love.

Love is the essence of our being, but then when we have collisions with other beings on this physical planet or in the universe, and are hurt or injured emotionally, physically or mentally, we keep remembering all these bad experiences; we harbor all this negative experience. And so we find it hard to open up our love again to the world because we worry about getting hurt or let down and so on.

The reason we have wars and trouble with each other is because we always live in the past. We should live like the animals; they live in the present.
They’re always in the present. For example, a dog: You just scold him and maybe you smack his bottom or something, and kids also. But then, when you call him back and love him, he comes wagging his tail, or the kids come running to you right away. They don’t remember what you did to them even a minute ago. This is how we should live our lives with each other.

But sadly, we live mostly in the past, with our memories. The past is always the past but we always bring it into the present, and then the present in turn influences our future. Because the present becomes the past again and then we always remember all these unpleasant events, and find it hard to be happy in the present moment.

It’s similar with our practice. Just like most people live in the past all the time, with “Jesus” that, “Buddha” this, or this Saint and that Saint, and they forget to become Saints themselves or to become children of Jesus, to be on His level again. So the world has to forget the past at all times, forget all the past hurts and forget all the bad events. Learn from them and grow from them, like flowers that grow from bad, foul, smelly, filthy fertilizer and bloom into beautiful presentations for everyone to enjoy. And this is how we can stop war, fighting, struggle and trouble.

But you know, we’re still in this world. We can speak like that and maybe we can act like that among ourselves. Because we’re practitioners of peace, we can enjoy peace, and we know how to get in touch with peace in any moment of trouble or sadness. But most of the people of the world can’t do that so even though we practice well, we still have to share the sorrow, misunderstanding, war and trouble of the world at large. We just have to practice harder so that we have more influence and a nobler atmosphere to generate in the world. And then maybe more and more people will follow us, and we’ll have less and less war. That’s the only solution.


Tuning in to the Master Power
Dissolves Fear

Q: Before I plan a new project in life, can I ask God or Master to give me wisdom and courage to overcome my fear? Master, please help me to overcome my ignorance so that I can gain wisdom.

Oh, sure. God is always standing by. The Master power is always there to help you. Just open yourself up; be receptive. Believe that the Master power is helping you. Tune in to that power. Be one with it.


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