Master Tells Jokes

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, U.S.A., October 6, 1999
(Originally in English)

Real Audio with English, Aulacese, French, Spanish, Thai, Czech subtitles

There were three construction workers. One was American, one was German and one was Irish, and one day they had lunch together. They opened their lunch boxes, and the American said, "Oh no, a tomato sandwich again. Oh my God! I don't understand my wife! I have been married for 20 years, and every day she gives me a tomato sandwich for lunch. Tomorrow, if I get one more tomato sandwich for lunch, I will jump from the fifth floor! And then the German opened his lunch box and said, "Oh, no, not again, a cheese sandwich again! I have been married for 15 years and every day she gives me a cheese sandwich. If tomorrow I get one more cheese sandwich from my wife, I will also jump from the fifth floor and die. And the Irish man also opened his lunch box, and said, " Oh, no! Today, a potato sandwich again! OK, if tomorrow, I get one more potato sandwich, I'll jump from the fifth floor. I'll jump with you, too.

Then, the next day at their lunch break, they had lunch together again. And the American opened his lunch box, and of course, he had a tomato sandwich. So, he jumped from the fifth floor. The German construction worker also opened his lunch box, and said, "What? A cheese sandwich again?" So he jumped, too. And then the Irish man opened his lunch box, and saw a potato sandwich. So he also jumped together with the two other guys.

Then, at the funeral of the three guys, the three wives met and talked to each other. And the American wife said, " I don't understand my John, you know, I mean he was always very good, and he never complained. He could have told me that he didn't like tomato sandwiches, and I would have made him anything else! Because the first day I made one, he said it was fantastic, so I kept making them. But he could have told me. And the German wife also said, "I don't understand my Johan. We've been married for 15 years, and everything was fine and if he didn't like cheese sandwiches, he could have told me. I would have made something else at any time. Why did he have to jump and die like this! I'm very hurt and surprised." And so the Irish wife said, "Oh, this is nothing compared to my grief. I don't understand my Jack, because he made his own lunch sandwich every day!"

Master Tells Jokes: Where Has the Turtle Gone?

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