Panorama of Events


Report from Argentina

The People of Argentina Open
Their Hearts to Master

[Buenos Aires] Overwhelmed with deep grief over the lamentable events that occurred in New York on September 11, but fully determined to convey the Truth so as to help elevate the spiritual, physical and mental level of our planet, fellow practitioners from Argentina recently held three video seminars in different cities in the country.

Seminar at the Sun and Moon Vegetarian Restaurant in Cordoba, Argentina.

The first seminar took place in Cordoba city, which we had visited on previous occasions. This time we were again lodged at the house of a sincere sister practicing the Convenient Method, and we counted on the help of other sincere brothers and sisters from Cordoba to set up and conduct the seminar. The event was held at the Sun and Moon Vegetarian Restaurant and was widely announced in the media. Miss Andrea Evangelisti, a kind reporter for Cordoba National Radio, gave us a 20-minute interview that was broadcast in more than ten provinces.

Monthly seminars at the Yukio Mishima Cultural Center.

Many of the attendees expressed their full agreement with Master's message and 90 % learned the Convenient Method. Back in Buenos Aires, a second seminar was conducted at the Yukio Mishima Cultural Center, where monthly seminars are currently being held. On this occasion, a talk entitled "How to Cleanse Our Karma" was given and various extracts of Master's videos were shown. Some of the attendees arrived in Buenos Aries from distant towns, sincerely attracted by the message of the Truth. Others related that they had come across Master's web page while searching for information about Quan Yin Boddhisatva, and they felt it was a unique opportunity they could not pass up. After imparting the Convenient Method we blissfully welcomed our new brothers and sisters into the Quan Yin family.

At the request of a sincere spiritual seeker, Mrs. Paula Antonanzas, the third seminar was held in Santo Tome, a small locality four kilometers from the city of Santa Fe. Mrs. Antonanzas, after coming across an advertisement about Master's teachings in Oneself magazine, made a special trip to Buenos Aires to learn the Convenient Method. Radiant with joy, she then offered her house as a venue for a video-seminar in order to share Master's message of love with her friends. Her family sincerely opened their hearts and the doors of their house to Master, and kindly agreed to lodge us before the event. Fliers were distributed in Santo Tome and in Santa Fe, and the media were informed about the seminar. On the day of the event, the venue was fully packed with pure souls in search of the Truth. They watched the videos attentively and 99 % learned the Convenient Method, including Mrs. Antonanzas' mother, a vegetarian, her grandmother and her aunt.

Seminar in Santo Tome, near Santa Fe city.

A young man revealed that he had had an extraordinary experience when he was ten years old. On entering a church, he had seen light coming from Jesus' body on the cross, and had also heard a loud sound. Nobody could explain to him what had happened, and for fear of being regarded as mad he had refrained from telling anybody about it. His fear prevented him from having that incredible experience again. Later, he joined another spiritual group. However, when his father showed him one of Master's fliers, he felt whole-heartedly that this was the way for him and left everything he was doing to attend the seminar. He was so happy to be able to talk with us because he knew we could understand him. The event was such a great success that a man also offered another venue in Santa Fe for a future seminar. Our hostess, Paula, who is eagerly awaiting initiation, agreed to hold group meditation gatherings at her place once a week. She recently told us that her two little boys have spontaneously rejected eating meat.

Inspired by Her boundless Love and Grace, we left with our hearts overjoyed about this incomparable opportunity to do Master's work.


Panorama of


Ching Hai Day Celebrations

* Combined Reports
* Report from USA
* Report from Argentina
* Report from Formosa
* Report from South Africa

E128 Files

News No. 128