The Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Ocean of Love Tour
Experience the Divine

Believe That
You Are Really Great!

International Six-day Retreat, Youngdong Center, Korea

On May 8, as Supreme Master Ching Hai's Ocean of Love Lecture Tour drew to a successful close in Seoul, South Korea, thousands of fellow practitioners from more than thirty countries arrived at Youngdong Center in Kwangju to attend a six-day retreat and celebrate Master's birthday.

The Youngdong Center is situated in a lush valley in a spiritually uplifting environment surrounded by green mountains, where many happily chirping birds make their home. The retreat was held in the beautifully named "Sound Valley," as fine weather prevailed despite occasional drizzles. The fresh air and cool weather were refreshing and comfortable, and the Center was made even more pleasing to the eye with lawns and flower patches carefully planted along the roadsides and among the trees. In the evening, lotus-shaped streetlights dotted the tranquil, emerald-green valley like glittering gems.

This was the second international retreat to be held at the Youngdong Center, which had taken on a new look. The Center's roads were paved and its steep, mountainous slopes had been transformed into tiers of leveled land, where fellow initiates could pitch their tents. In addition, the slope on which the meditation hall was built had been leveled to form tiers of flat, even ground, so that fellow initiates could meditate in greater comfort. Styrofoam boards were prepared for initiates as protective shields against the humid soil beneath their tents. In order to protect the environment against pollution, the Center provided fellow practitioners with soap and shampoo made from natural ingredients.

Throughout the retreat, Master graced the meditation hall during almost every meditation session, and Her ocean-like love flowed deeply into the initiates' souls. Glowing with blissful contentment, the faces of the fellow practitioners grew brighter with each passing day. Blessed by the divine love of a living, Enlightened Master and the power derived from sincere group meditation, fellow initiates meditated especially well at this retreat, and Master was very happy with their practice. "This time I didn't answer many of your questions because I wanted to let you find the answers from within," Master said. She emphasized repeatedly that we should have faith in our own greatness, and rely more on our inner power. When we have a problem, we should meditate to seek the answer from within.

First Day of the Retreat

On May 9, the chiming of the Quan Yin bell at 1:00 PM marked the beginning of the Youngdong six-day retreat. The ethereal sound of the bell reverberated through the valley and forests, greeting and welcoming the blessings of a living, Enlightened Master and the Saints from all realms. Not long after the first meditation session had begun, Master entered the meditation hall dressed in a white outfit, with Her normally long, black hair magically transformed into a stylishly short coiffure with gold highlights. Her wisdom eye, marked with a red dot, reminded us to concentrate on our own wisdom eye at all times. She meditated with us for a while. Later, at the end of the afternoon session, Master spoke softly to the initiates to arouse them from meditation, and said that She would see them later.

In the evening, Master came to meditate with us again, wearing a loose Korean casual outfit. Then She answered questions from Western initiates. Responding to a question from a practitioner about whether the karma between her and her husband remained after she was initiated, Master asked other initiates to answer. After listening to the opinions of several practitioners, Master pointed out that this is a basic teaching with which everyone should be familiar. There are two kinds of karma. One is "store karma" that is accumulated lifetime after lifetime and makes us reincarnate, but it is erased by the Master when we are initiated. The other is the fixed karma for this lifetime; the Master leaves it with us after initiation in so that we can continue with this life. Master emphasized that fixed karma can be lubricated, made smoother or lighter, or minimized, although it cannot be completely erased, because the karma of this life is the reason we continue to live. Encouraging us, She said that after enlightenment we don't care very much about karma and that we don't feel so bad. Also, the Master can erase it in different ways, for example, in dreams, or make it smaller, make it more bearable. Also, when we are enlightened, everything seems smaller, or less significant.

In answering another question, Master gave an excellent talk in which She reminded us to listen to our wisdom instead of the brain. "We are all God; it's just the mind that troubles us. The brain is what causes trouble for us, makes us do this, do that, do all the things that we don't want to do, drink coffee or smoke when we want to quit, or do any other thing. It is only the brain. The brain sometimes cannot get the full message from the soul, because it's like a filter. Sometimes the filter is not very effective, and all the orders from the soul become 'distorted,' and so we do things wrong. We do things not in the right way. That's why we are frustrated with each other, because we cannot be like one. Without the body, without the mind, we understand each other perfectly; we don't need to speak at all.

All of the problems in this world come from the body, the mind, and the brain. Your intuition knows what to do, but your brain interferes because of the habits, the experience you learned from the past -- like 'Okay, if I do that, I'll have trouble.' But this time is different; it just looks similar, but it's not. And your mind thinks, 'No, last time I did that and I had trouble; this time I'd better not to do it again,' -- things like that. So, a lot of interference from the brain makes us very frustrated. Now, after we are more intelligent, we should listen more to our wisdom than the brain, and we will have less problems."

Master went on to say that She travels a lot and has to live in many different places, but everywhere She goes, She has to adjust to a new system. To make things worse, fellow initiates often arrange very special or unusual things for Her. As a result, She has to find time in Her extremely busy schedule to adjust to new challenges. For instance, when She arrived at the Youngdong Center the evening before, all She wanted was to take a bath and then have a rest. But the bathroom was full of all kinds of buttons, and looked like a " Star Wars" ship, from which one could control the whole universe. In addition, all the instructions and labels were in Korean; Master theorized that perhaps they thought She knew everything and needed no translation. Since it was very late and She was already in the bathroom, She decided not to seek help from anyone, and eventually spent thirty minutes trying every switch and button as spray and foam flew all over the place. Saying that She is not used to such complicated equipment, Master suggested that it is better to make things as simple as possible for Her.

Sweet Bliss at the Retreat

It rained on the morning of the second day, and the thirsty grass and trees at the Center joyfully drank the nectar from the sky, just as our initiates drink the nectar from heaven. The air suddenly became more refreshing and moist as clouds encircled the mountaintops, adding a poetic look to the scenery. In the afternoon, Master came to the meditation hall wearing a blue jacket, and Her hair was dyed completely blonde. Looking refreshed, She answered the questions of Asian disciples from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, and other countries.

In the evening, Master continued to answer questions from fellow initiates, one of which concerned genetic engineering (genetically modified vegetables) related to the implantation of animal DNA into plants. She then invited initiates who had some understanding of this subject to share their views from the standpoints of spirituality, influences on the environment, various species, soil and nutrition, organic crop cultivation, food issues, and famine. Following this exchange, Master cautioned us not to eat food modified with animal DNA. She called on governments around the world to demand that manufacturers clearly label products containing animal DNA, so that consumers can decide whether or not they want to purchase them. Master reiterated that the resources on this planet are sufficient for all humans, and the problem is the misuse of resources rather than the scarcity of food. A Japanese sister commented that she loved Master's new hairstyle, and that She smelled a very good fragrance during the lecture in Tokyo as well as during the Korean retreat. An Aulacese sister initiate then said that she smelled a sandalwood fragrance each time she went into the house at the Austin Center where Master had stayed three or four years previously. She said that she also had smelled the same fragrance during the Thailand retreat and could even smell it when she was under a blanket. A brother initiate added that he had a blanket that Master had used and that it still carried a nice fragrance after five years.

Master and Disciples Share the Same Ideals

On the morning of May 11, Master came to see us wearing a white casual outfit, and cordially received the disciples from Mainland China, who had longed very much to see Her. Many of them were seeing Her for the first time, and the emotions and reverence they felt were beyond words.

Saying that She could understand their feelings, Master comforted them by pointing out that God had sent them to their present home because Hes knew that they were the toughest and the most capable of practicing diligently in difficult situations. Such spiritual practitioners are good saints and successfully undergo the tests of courage. The fellow practitioners in China are pioneers because they have to open up the road, face painful situations, undergo rigorous hardships, and find a way to overcome them. This is what pioneers do. As long as they practice diligently, they will feel free and easy, regardless of their living conditions. Master assured them that they could practice well whether they came to the retreat or not because Her power is omnipresent.

Observing that we were sitting on a dirt floor, She worried that we might catch colds during the morning and evening meditation sessions, so She instructed the working members to buy aluminum foil pads and place them on the floor of the meditation hall. The staff acted immediately. By that afternoon, we were already meditating on warm, clean polyurethane and aluminum foil pads. Everyone was deeply touched by Master's thoughtfulness.

That afternoon, Master came to the meditation hall wearing a pink traditional Korean "hanbok" dress, and continued to receive the Mainland Chinese initiates. She began by saying, "We have been cheated life after life, which has deprived us of our confidence. However, we are all God, otherwise what could we be? We truly are God; we just think that the mind is 'I.' Don't listen to it. Concentrate on your spiritual cultivation and be a benevolent person. If things come too easily, we cannot become aware of our strong faith."

When Master led everyone in meditation, the fellow initiates from Mainland China sitting by Her side had very good experiences. Some perceived a great light that was brilliant and hot. Several of them could not resist stealthily opening their eyes to see if it was the sunlight outside, and found that it was not the outside light, but the inner Light. After the meditation, Master praised the initiates from China for their steady meditation. As She prepared to leave, two Chinese brother initiates presented Her with a pristine white "hada" (a piece of silk for respected persons that is used as a traditional Tibetan greeting gift) to show their highest reverence for Her.

In the evening, Master again came to meditate with us, this time clad in a traditional gold Korean long skirt. After the meditation, She reminded the Chinese initiates and the other disciples present: "Do not fear that you cannot practice well; fear is bad. 'Fear' is our enemy, so do not fear. You are splendid; you are great. Don't look down upon yourself. You should admit and recognize your own greatness. You have rejected yourself life after life until it has become a habit. There is no one else; we are God and no one else. We are all one. Since you say that I am a Buddha (Enlightened Master), then you, too, are Buddhas."

Master further explained that, although there are innumerable people in the world, very few can understand Her words, much less observe a vegetarian diet and the Precepts, pursue spiritual practice, and travel such a great distance to be with Her. "You are really great," She said. "You have transcended that level, so you can practice in happy serenity while you are here. If you were not cheerful at heart and your wisdom was undeveloped, you could not understand what I say. I would be talking to rocks." Master noted that the fellow practitioners were practicing very well, very diligently, and their inner atmosphere was very comfortable; they were very good both within and without.

Later, She asked the contact persons from centers around the world to join Her on the stage. Since She shares the Truth at a tremendous pace, centers are sprouting and growing up throughout the world, so the stage was packed with contact persons. Master asked them to report their names, their countries, and the centers they represented, to briefly report on their activities and development, and to bring up any matters or suggestions that they wanted to discuss with Her.

When talking about the development of new centers, Master said that the quickest way to become enlightened is to help someone else get enlightened, because we get what we give; that's what it is.

Later Master commented, "The title 'Supreme Master' gives me a lot of trouble. But still we have to stick to it, because we stick to the Truth. I am here not to please people or make people believe me or not believe me; I'm here just for the Truth, and I'll stick with it. It's very simple. My way -- only one road."

Then, a sister mentioned that her imprisoned son felt that Master was with him twenty-four hours a day when he was in prison. He sincerely repented for his misdeeds and also advised other prisoners to refrain from committing offenses. The sister was so touched by Master's love for her son that tears poured from her eyes as she related the story.

Next, an experience from Latin America was disclosed. Some time ago, the house of a contact person in Costa Rica was destroyed by a fire. She received a call from her neighbor, who said, "Your house is no more!" When she rushed home, the neighborhood children hummed some lines to comfort her, and she saw that her friendly neighbors had cleared the debris so that she would not be too upset by the devastated site. The disaster subsequently brought her loving concern and help from her neighbors, fellow practitioners, and Master, Who allowed her to stay in Her house at the local Center. Master jokingly commented that, since she had nowhere to live, she had no choice but to live in Her house! The sister then told Master that she used to learn how to give, but after the disaster, she is learning how to receive with humility. Everything in her house was reduced to ashes. Only Master's photo and her passport that was behind it were saved, which was why the sister was able to attend the retreat. Master pointed out that she knew her real "house" is up there (in heaven), not here in this world, and praised the sister's great faith. (Master promised to build her a new house if she still wants it.)

Master also asked the translators to come to the stage to sit by Her side, while She thanked them for being so focused in doing the translation work: "I'm very impressed by your talent; you have to really be professional, concentrated, and dedicated. That's a very good job you are doing. I'm very proud of you; you are so talented."

Day Four of the Retreat: Master's Birthday

The fourth day of the Youngdong Retreat, May 12, was Master's birthday, and fellow initiates continued to meditate diligently.

When She came to the afternoon session, wearing a white traditional Korean Hanbok dress, the initiates sang "Happy Birthday" to Her. As the conversation turned to sites suitable for international retreats, Master commented that civilized and prosperous countries should issue landing visas, making it convenient for foreign visitors to enter. Master then related a story about a Jewish spiritual practitioner who had enjoyed constant contact with God, but at some point in his life, Hes stopped coming to his house. The practitioner begged God to return and asked what he could do to have Hirm come back again. So, God appeared to him for the last time and said, "You don't let anyone else into your house, so I thought you didn't want anyone, including Me. That's why I don't come in anymore." "Similarly, any country that is developed enough should understand that all humankind are God-incarnate," said Master, "and let them in easily."

She then went on to say that recently She has been debating with Herself about what to do -- whether or not She should teach us anything. She is aware that we have all we need and are exactly where we should be now. We have everything inside us, so it's difficult for Her to bring Herself to act like a teacher. Although we make Her believe sometimes that we need a teacher, we are very great inside, we know everything, and we don't need anything. We are perfect, happy, and strong enough to withstand any obstacles, so why do we keep looking outside for solutions? She said that She goes through inner conflicts, wondering whether to be a Buddha or not to be a Buddha with us. We should hang onto our all-knowing, all-sufficient, all-perfect, all-wise, and all-contented Self. She doesn't know why we sometimes choose to forget that we are great and self-sufficient, but commented that it's also fun to play dumb and forget for a while, the way She is playing a "dumb blond" for a change. (As mentioned above, Master had had Her hair dyed blond earlier during the retreat.)

In the evening, wearing a white Korean outfit, Master joined us in the meditation hall. She encouraged us to be our better "Self". She said, "Sometimes, if you follow everything to the extreme, there is no fun; you have to know freedom of expression, the freedom to grow, the freedom to be yourself. I want you to be yourself, a better Self, only, and not a copy of me. I do things that look good on me, but when you do it, it doesn't look good on you, because you are different. I cannot copy you, and I still look good; you cannot copy me, and you still look good."

"You have to be yourself, completely free of all kinds of prejudices and preconceived ideas, all kinds of traditions, and anything that is no good for you. Just because I tell you to do something at a certain time, doesn't mean you have to do it everywhere else. You have to always think, 'In this situation, what should I do or what would Master do?' It's different. We learn the Method and have the same wisdom, but we use it in different ways. It is just like electricity -- it's always the same, but you use it in different ways. God makes different personalities for different reasons. You are fine; you should just refine yourself, but do not change yourself to copy exactly like everyone else."

In answering a question about teaching the Quan Yin Method, Master reminded us of the qualifications of a Master. She said, "You have to be a Master before you can teach. It's not the outside; it's the inside. You have to have the ability to teach people from inside, on different levels, not just to transmit the instructions. The Quan Yin messengers can transmit the oral instructions only, and they can also answer a few basic questions. But, in order to teach people the inner teachings, you have to be a Master of the fifth level, at least."

"Even if I don't speak at all, if you are in my presence, you will get something inside. That is the teaching of the Master. It's not the talking; it's not how I look, even. And even further still, it's not the physical presence alone. The Master has to be omnipresent, but She has to also be physically present on this planet. These are the qualifications of a teacher. Unless we reach these qualifications, we had better just practice ourselves; that should be enough already -- five or six generations liberated, and the world will be blessed with your presence, also, to some degree."

"Some people can also reach the fifth level, but cannot be teachers. They are at the Master level, but they can't teach. People don't listen, or they don't follow. For example, even if you reach the fifth level and you are a Master inside, somehow, you also have to have an outside quality. Something need to be there so that people will feel at ease with you, will feel attracted to you, and will listen to you. You can convince them instantly that they know what you are talking about. Like you walk into a room full of strangers, and give them initiation an hour later, and then they follow your teachings forever. This is not something that is easily done, I think. You have to have the commission from God, or mandate from heaven, or whatever. It must be done so."

Next, a brother initiate shared a story with us. A week before the retreat, he had found a growth becoming increasingly larger in his nose, and began to wonder whether or not he should come to the retreat. Finally, he decided to come and do what he had to. But the object in his nose had mysteriously disappeared during his flight to Korea. Master commented: "Sometimes we have to be determined to do what is good for us, and put God first and everything else second."

In answering a question about sickness, Master instructed us not to complain about our physical problems and pointed out that illnesses come mostly from the mind. She cautioned us not to pity ourselves and concentrate on our illnesses too much, but rather be grateful for what we have. Master then cited an example: That morning, She could not come to see us because She had become ill from eating improperly cleaned salad. She had continued to feel sick in the afternoon and no medicine She had could alleviate Her symptoms. However, She had come to see us anyway and did what She had to do. While in the meditation hall, She had suddenly felt better temporarily, but as soon as She left us and returned to Her living quarters, She again became ill. Then She remembered a home remedy for diarrhea: Heat soy sauce concentrate with black or white pepper until it thickens, and then eat it with burned toast. Master said that after consuming this mixture, Her sickness went away.

In this case, Master had not pitied Herself, but did what She had to do while also taking steps to treat Her sickness. She pointed out that we were blessed to have gotten flight reservations to Korea so that we could attend the retreat, and so we should not pity ourselves. We should not cling to our illnesses; instead, we should concentrate on the positive. We should not forget the blessings we have. What we think is what we become. We should take control of everything. With this mentality, we will get well easily.

Day Five

The fifth day of the retreat was cloudy and rainy. In the afternoon, Master came to see us wearing a dark blue casual outfit of Her own design. She walked around the hall, blessing initiates who were meditating, and also gave instructions to individual initiates to help them improve their meditation.

In the evening, Master arrived wearing a green outfit with a white collar and white pants. In response to a question from the Korean disciples, She said, "Koreans are very strong. I do not need to talk to them much. They understand here and here." (Pointing to the wisdom eye and heart.)

Day Six

On May 14, the last day of the retreat, it was the Formosan Initiates' turn to sit in the front of the meditation hall and on the stage during both the morning and afternoon sessions. After sitting in the back for many days, they were very excited, and cherished this rare opportunity. Master meditated with us during the early morning session, and again later in the morning. Afterwards, She commented happily, "Korea is getting better. The North and South have spoken to each other for the first time. This is good for you. I am happy for your country. It is an improvement." Master then continued, "I did not answer too many questions at this retreat, because I wanted to let you get the answers inside. The Korean people are very strong inside, and outside, too, because of ginseng (the 'national herb' of Korea)." [Laugher]

Master then praised the initiates for being very good during all the years that She has been teaching, adding that we need to study well because we have to teach others. She also noted that the Formosan disciples (who were sitting near Her) had made much progress, and that those She has known for a long time always look young and energetic. Master next had a casual chat with everyone. It was like a happy family reunion! Both Master and disciples treasured this short but meaningful gathering.

Heaven and Earth Celebrate An Enlightened Master's Birthday

On the afternoon of May 14, everyone anxiously anticipated the celebration of Mother's Day and belatedly, Master's birthday. Filled with bliss, fellow practitioners put on their best clothes. Little fellow initiates, their parents, distinguished guests, and guests from the neighboring area, all dressed in elegant traditional attire, happily joined in the festive celebrations. As all varieties of traditional costumes suddenly dazzled our eyes, the trees and plants at the Center looked unusually green. Charming little birds chirped joyfully on the branches, as beautiful butterflies danced gracefully before our guests.

The weather was sunny and warm, matching the cheerful mood of the participants, most of whom had just enjoyed an uplifting and enjoyable retreat in the beautiful, lush, wooded mountains of the Youngdong Center. Before the performance, the audience members received a generous share of lovingly prepared snacks, which they happily savored while enjoying the program. Greeted by traditional Korean music and a divine welcoming ceremony, Master was ushered into the hall, dressed in gorgeous pink Korean Hanbok attire with a red, silk robe embroidered with gold flowers. A tape of traditional Korean music played in the background, but was soon replaced by the lively drumming of a traditional Korean professional group, which had been hired to open the performance. At the entrance to the stage area, Master was greeted by a large group of initiates dressed in colorful traditional costumes. She then held Her palms together and slowly and affectionately gazed at the guests in the front rows, blessing each one with a loving look.

As Master found Her seat, the percussionists continued to enthusiastically play their drums for several minutes, dancing happily onstage in white, black and red costumes and pointed hats with long white ribbons, which they swirled around their heads as they played.

The first two special programs were performed by a professional Korean dance troupe that won warm applause for their brilliant traditional dancing. These acts were followed by a series of fascinating programs presented by fellow practitioners from around the world. For example, Korean initiates presented "Arirang," (a traditional Korean folk music form), featuring many exotic styles of dancing, singing, and guitar playing. Some depicted firmness and vigor, while others were lively and fun. Collectively, they expressed the spirit of struggle for one's ideals. In addition, fellow practitioners from China presented a variety of programs, including original compositions and revised songs devoted to spiritual cultivation and the celebration of Master's birthday, and a dance by a group of Mongolian dancers performed with sincerity and inspiration.

When several Chinese martial arts performers demonstrated a dynamic style and amazing dexterity as they executed their moves, the crowd showed its appreciation with loud applause and expressions of awe.

Then, fellow practitioners from Formosa performed dances and songs dedicated to spiritual practice, and our new generation of Quan Yin practitioners from the United States expressed spiritual joy in following Master through singing, and impressed everyone with a lively and dynamic aerobic dance; these young saints, who are growing ever stronger, are the light and hope of the world. A Swiss sister next touched everyone with her enchanting voice as she sang a beautiful spiritual song with original lyrics.

After this performance, several creative musical dramas caused the amused audience to frequently burst into loud laughter. After the program ended, Master praised the performers for their tremendous improvement, and was then invited onto the stage, where She gave a brief talk and cut the birthday cake that had been prepared for the occasion, while everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Her. She especially thanked the honored guests who had graced the Center that day, and invited the audience to enjoy the birthday cake.

When Master left the hall, a Korean brother wearing a traditional Korean costume led the way in a slow, solemn march, as four Korean disciples carried Her on a sedan chair around the hall. The magnificent appearance of our Master was very dignified and divinely radiant. As She mercifully looked at those lining Her path on both sides, the bliss they felt in their hearts was reflected by the smiles on their glowing faces.

A Fulfilling Ending

That evening, Master received some fellow initiates from China who had attended the retreat only during the last two days. She informed them, "When you encounter any problem in spiritual practice, remember that it is the mind that is cheating you, and it is temporary. Life is ephemeral, not to mention its problems. Even if the problems are not temporary, they will be gone when we die."

Some Chinese fellow initiates reported that others had wanted very much to come to see Master at the retreat, but could not make it. "Perhaps it is because their time is not yet ripe," Master said, adding, "No matter how your spiritual cultivation is, I will not forsake you." Some initiates also shared experiences about how they had bravely overcome personal difficulties. Some said they simply "would not die" even under "surely fatal" situations; and one initiate recounted the miraculous experience of how the manifestation form of Master had taken care of her dead son.

It was already midnight, but, disregarding Her exhaustion, Master next met with the retreat's work teams to extend Her special love and blessings to the many initiates who had not been able to see Her due to their work. She thanked the working members for their loving sacrifice and efforts in serving the multitude with such care.

Again wearing traditional Korean clothes, Master was very impressed by their loose fitting and comfortable design. She said that the ancient Korean people must have been very wise to have created such clothing; it is no wonder that the Korean ladies today look so free and healthy. She also felt very happy about the dialogue between North and South Korea and the mitigation of their mutual tension.

The Korean disciples invited Master to spend more time in Korea, and had good news for Her -- the Korean government had officially approved the registration of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association as a corporate religious body. Once the registration is complete, the Center will be able to legally develop and launch construction projects. The Korean government will also give foreign members of our group a privileged status similar to that of local citizens. Master was very impressed by the open and cooperative attitude of the Korean government. She observed that the people of Seoul had been able to maintain a clean environment despite the city's dense population, which indicates that they are very advanced, civilized, and well educated. She also reminded fellow practitioners to do their best to preserve the trees when developing the Center.

Before leaving, Master not only gave each work team member a special piece of blessed food, but also blessed the snacks brought by an elderly initiate from China, and instructed that they be reserved exclusively for Formosan disciples, saying that this was a sign of peaceful exchange between Mainland China and Formosa.

Then, under the invisible blessing of almighty love from Master and the Saints of all realms, the six-day retreat in Korea drew to a successful close. Because Master would be staying on for several more days, some initiates postponed their departures in order to spend more time with Her, while others left for home filled with immense blessings and loving power.

Special Report
* Auckland, New Zealand
* Sri Lanka
* Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
* Kathmandu, Nepal
* My Experience at The Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture
* Hong Kong
* Manila, the Philippines
* Formosa
* Tokyo, Japan
* Seoul, Korea
* Believe That You Are Really Great!

News No. 112
