Media Reports

Excerpt from the Weekly independent newspaper
Ser, Armenia June, 1999 (Originally in Armenian)

by Nana


Now let's try to look into one part of Master Ching Hai's teachings, the basis of vegetarianism. Vegetarianism or lacto-vegetarianism is one of the compulsory points of the Quan Yin Method taught by Master Ching Hai. Any animal products, including eggs, are not permitted. There are many reasons for this, but the most significant is God's first commandment "Thou shalt not kill". When you kill or allow killing to satisfy your desire for meat, you collect karmic hindrance for which sooner or later you will pay.

So by being vegetarian you give yourself a unique gift. You begin to feel good, your quality of life becomes better and before you opens the entrance of your inner gentle world, the celestial world. Firstly, vegetarianism helps your own health apart from anything else. The history of the evolution of humankind shows that our ancestors, by nature, were vegetarians. The human bodily structure is not suitably designed for meat eating. A doctor of comparative anatomy, Dr. Huntingen from Columbia University, has proven this. He emphasized that the intestines of meat eaters are noticeably short, whereas herbivores have long intestines. Humans, like other herbivores, have long intestines. Because of this, meat stays in our intestines longer than it should, and it can produce toxic substances, thus overloading the liver. Consequently, this essential organ can be damaged.

As stated by Leo Tolstoy: "As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields."

Therefore, we should seriously consider the benefits of vegetarianism.