Seeing a Buddha
in Florida

By sister initiate Hai-Yun Chen
Taipei, Formosa

Master's Wonders

About one or two months ago, I had a dream in which Master was dressed gracefully and walking up through a crowd that lined Her path. Her face looked very rosy, but I didn't know why. In the dream, I was leaning on one side of Master's car. Holding my chin in my hands, I looked at Master and pondered: "Master, why is your face so rosy?" When I woke up from the dream, I still could not answer this question. As time went by, the question faded from my mind. Nevertheless, having dreamt of Master made me feel contented, and sweetened my life.

In February, I went to Florida, USA. There I finally saw Master, whom I hadn't been able to see for a long time. Thank God for fulfilling my longing. That night, Master was dressed beautifully. Oh, my God! Was that the manifestation of Master that had come into my dream one or two months earlier with the same attire? I couldn't believe it! Then my memory brought back to me the same unanswered question: "Why did Master's face look so rosy in my dream?"

On Lunar New Year's Eve, I worked as one of the kitchen staff. We concentrated on making rice dumplings, leaving no room for me to think about other things, though the red color of the dumplings seemed to remind me of something. On New Year's Day, Master invited all the working staff members to a dinner and asked the kitchen staff to prepare more rice dumplings. When rolling the red dumplings (which symbolize family reunion), the image of red envelopes (which symbolize luck and prosperity in the New Year) also came to my mind. As I continued to roll the red dumplings, I found the answer to my question in my hands.

Seeing a Buddha in Florida A Response to Every Prayer