Pearls of Wisdom


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 12,1996 (Originally in English)

When you look at a naked Indian holy man, you feel elevated; you feel no shame, no desire, no lust, nothing. Nothing steals into your mind about lower levels of thinking about that man, and you just have veneration. If you don't have even veneration, at least you have nothing, not even curiosity. But the scenes in the movies are differently motivated. They mean to provoke people, and that is why it is kind of selling the body cheaply. That is not supposed to be so, because the body is the temple of God. That's the only thing that is the matter. That is what is not correct about the movies. I don't mind looking at people without clothes; I have looked at them before.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Keelung Cultural Center, Formosa, October 27, 1988 (Originally in Chinese)

The street posters of 'poor' ladies (Master says jokingly) who have only a few clothes on should all be removed. Don't post them, so as not to destroy other peoples' families, degrade people's spirituality and morality, and ruin youths and girls who are in a period of growth. Have you ever thought that the very ones that are harmed may not be others but your own relatives, your husband or wife, and your children.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Four-Day Retreat, Washington DC, USA
December 26, 1997 (Originally in English)

In America lately, the president, government, and the congress have asked that violent or sex movies, late-night movies, x-rated, y-rated, whatever they are, be banned from TV because the kids might watch them. It is no good for them. That sounds good, but then some of your judges said, "No, that violates constitutional rights." So, that was not done. Even if there is a good president, good government, or good congress, it is not always powerful enough. There are too many laws, too many catches, too much red-tape, too many loopholes somewhere.

Things cannot be done the way we want - don't talk about world peace. We may pray for it because that is what we want. We can ask for what we want but whether it will happen or not, let's see. If enough people want it, it might happen. But there are not enough people. Most people still cling to their own opinions. Let it be. In our small group, at least, we are unified in our idealism, in our desire for peace and happiness in this world.

Respect the Temple of God Free Will