Special Reports


Heavenly Music Manifests in Our World


By Brother Initiate Su Youde, Kaoping, Formosa

Master's poems convey the hardships on the path of Truth and Her compassion for those who tread the wrong path! Her poetic verses, carrying the concept of universal oneness between the lines, express such profound realizations and deep love that they are the best source for artistic and creative inspiration. Master says that musicians and artists are half-saints. At the concert, the beautiful notes written by the composer touched the heartstrings of man, who also directed scores of other musicians in harmonious and rhythmic play. The wholeness of Master's works was beautifully and smoothly expressed by a team of musicians demonstrating complete command over each note and bringing the atmosphere to a climactic peak! Their performance, along with the great blessing power from God, Saints, and Master's great love, touched the hearts of everyone present. Some people went into samadhi, some shed tears, and some felt numb all over as though they had suffered electric shocks! Some were exalted, and some had moments of enlightenment and realizations! As the great Amitabha Sutra says, "In the eternal, blissful World of the West, the wind blows at treasure trees playing ever-lasting music, and birds chirp wonderful tunes. When the sentient beings hear these songs, they are purified and attain higher levels." This usually exists only in the higher dimensions, but in the heavenly atmosphere of the Concert, it was manifested in our world today.

This was the first time ever that I had enjoyed a symphony. What a rare blessing in the universe it was to be in such an excellent theater with such a perfect sound system and an exceptional orchestra directed by an outstanding conductor, and also to listen to Master singing! I was able to attend the concert and bathe in the vast ocean of love. It gave me an opportunity to see for myself the wonderful methods Master has created to lead us to enlightenment. The saints use all kinds of methods to lead us to the Truth. They lecture, chant, and meditate, which we often see used as the conventional methods in the world. It is truly an innovation to use artistic creations, such as lanterns, paintings, celestial clothing and jewelry, and a symphonic performance to convey the teachings. Master transforms spiritual teachings into an art form that elevates our spirituality. Her methods are not only superb, but diverse and innovative as well. I can only say that our Master is the master of all masters! No other words can better express my feelings!

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