Story World

Be Veg for Our Own Spiritual Benefit
By Brother initiate Vinh Lai, California, USA (Originally in English)

Recently, as I was watching the Hong Kong Climate Change Conference entitled “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives,” I heard Master say: “If you believe in Heaven and hell, you should stop the meat business immediately, like yesterday. Because nothing good awaits you in the life after if you cause suffering to others, be it human or animals.” Her words of wisdom triggered a memory of a dream I had about 21 years ago, just shortly after I became a vegetarian, and hadn’t known about Supreme Master Ching Hai yet.

In my dream, I visited hell with my mother. There all the gates were open; however, no one was able to leave. Then I saw a big half-man and half-ox monster, swinging a huge axe chasing a man with all its might as if it wanted to catch him and kill him. Feeling sorry for this person, I tried to stop the monster by blocking it from moving forward and at the same time told my mother to take this man out of the gate. She did so safely. I remember she asked him: “Mr. Ngô, what are you doing down here?” Just then, I woke up from the dream.

Later, out of curiosity, I asked my mother if she knew a Mr. Ngô, because I never heard of this person before. My mother confirmed that she knew a Mr. Ngô who used to be an animal farmer when he was alive. He raised pigs and cows, slaughtered them, and sold their meat in the market. When I told her about the dream I had, she was shocked and said, “What you saw is real. Raising animals and killing them for meat is really sinful.”

Not long after that, my mother became a vegetarian. Hearing my story, some of my relatives also drastically cut down on their meat consumption. Even a friend’s family gave up their meat restaurant business and started to encourage people to keep a more plant-based diet.

From my experience, I can testify that Master’s words are absolutely true; that nothing good awaits us in the life after if we cause suffering to others, be it human or animals. I would like to say to everyone that for the sake of your own spiritual benefit, please stop supporting the meat business and be veg!