The Intelligent and Devoted Dog Velvet
By Oregon News Group, USA (Originally in English)

On March 10, Golden Year 5 (2008), our Association members from the Oregon Center presented the Shining World Hero Award to a dog named Velvet, for her heroic efforts in helping to save her care taker Matt’s life and those of his friends. In 2005, when Matt was hiking in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Velvet, who had been abandoned, came to his car with a very sad look. Mr. Bryant then took her with him to his home in Portland, Oregon and since then they have built an incredible bond.

This relationship was demonstrated in February 2008, when Matt, his three human friends and Velvet were mountain climbing on Oregon’s Mount Hood and suffered a fall. They then had to spend a harrowing, bone-chilling night on the mountain. After they were rescued and had recovered, they attributed their good luck to the positive pep talks they gave to each other and to Velvet’s timely doses of body warmth. At times during their ordeal Matt called Velvet to come to his chest so he could hold her, but Velvet stubbornly stayed at his feet. He later realized that Velvet’s warmth had kept his toes from getting frostbitten, and it seemed the dog knew that her actions would save Matt’s feet. There were other times when Velvet slept on top of two other members of the climbing group to keep them warm.

For these intelligent, caring acts, Velvet received the Award, and loved all the presents from Master that went with it, especially a custom-made doggie jacket. She also couldn’t wait to eat the green bones the initiates gave her. Matt is a teacher of children with special needs, and was thrilled to receive Master’s books The Birds in My Life, The Dogs in my Life and The Noble Wilds, saying that he would share them with his students.

Bravo, Velvet! Your astuteness and devotion to humankind are truly amazing!



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