The Extraordinary Act of a Little Boy
By Sao Paulo News Group, Brazil (Originally in Portuguese)

Riquelme Wesley Maciel dos Santos is a five-year-old boy living in Palmeira, a small city in Santa Catarina, Brazil. One day, when he was dressed in his Spider Man costume and playing outside, Riquelme suddenly noticed that his neighbor’s house had caught on fire and Luciene, his neighbor, was desperate because her 22-month-old baby Andriele was still inside. Riquelme ran to Luciene, calmed her and said he would save her little girl. He then entered the house, picked the baby up and managed to move her out of the house to a safe place. Even though the fire had devastated the home, no one was injured.

Upon hearing of the little boy’s extraordinary act, Master granted him the Shining World Hero Award in recognition of his outstanding valor, courage and compassion. The crystal Award plaque was presented to Riquelme on February 8, Golden Year 5 (2008) by our Association members from Sao Paulo, along with an Award letter from Master and gifts including a hero jacket, books, chocolates and toys. Riquelme was especially enchanted by the hero jacket and shiny plaque!

Thank you, Riquelme, for providing an extraordinary example of heroism in action. As Master wrote in your Award letter, you are truly a “Guardian Angel sent from Heaven!”

To watch the Supreme Master TV's interviews and coverage of this award presentation, please visit:


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