Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village


God's Messages Are Warmly Received
with Southern Hospitality

By Georgia, Illinois, and Virginia News teams (Originally in English)

From January 8 to January 13, Golden Year 4 (2007), five initiates from Georgia, Illinois, and Virginia centers made a trip to five metro areas in Mississippi and Alabama in USA to distribute both Alternative Living and Supreme Master Television flyers. With God's blessings, we distributed around 25,000 flyers in a weeklong period.

Prior to the trip, the initiates at the Georgia Center helped prepare a few thousand letter-size transparent bags to place flyers in, so as to hang them on the doorknobs of un-gated apartment complexes. It turned out that the apartment neighbors were very friendly and receptive, and some of them even asked further questions about spiritual practice. In particular, a gentleman in Jackson, Mississippi told us he was a vegetarian himself and highly praised the Alternative Living flyer because it was designed in such a way that ordinary people could easily understand. He also expressed his appreciation of our flyer distribution effort because he thought it was a message that people need to get. He said he was Muslim and according to the Koran, one should be a vegetarian. At the end of our conversation, he asked for a big stack of flyers to put at the Mosque he attends.

Apart from putting flyers on cars and distributing flyers at busy traffic intersections, we visited universities during lunch hours, including the University of Southern Alabama in Mobile, and Alabama State University and Auburn University in Montgomery. The flyers were very well received by the young people. Sometimes a big group of students patiently waited in line to receive our flyers and some even ushered us to crowded places after reading the flyers themselves. A few of them showed a keen interest in spiritual knowledge, inquired further information on spiritual practice and happily received the sample booklets.

When we visited Clausell Elementary School, the principal willingly accepted the flyer and asked for 500 flyers so that he can give to each of his students. When asked what prompted him to accept the flyers, he told us that the flyer was very educational and would be great to use in their wellness program to introduce the alternative living life style. Coming out of school, we all felt enormous blessing and encouragement from God.

From the experience of flyer distribution during this trip, we realized that our will, determination, courage, devotion and belief in God have tremendous impact on people to accept or not accept the flyer. If we are ego-less, selfless and have nothing but love in our heart, and sincerely and truly wish people to change to a more compassionate and Godly way of life, people could take it even if they may not have planned to take it initially.

We also found the Global Positioning System (GPS) navigator was a very useful and time-saving tool, because all of us were absolutely unfamiliar with the areas and sometimes we had to drive in the dark. Wherever we went, we certainly felt that we were with God all the time, and the best navigator of all is the inner guidance from our beloved Master!