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CTI TV "A Journey through Aesthetic Realms" No. 124, 125, 126 and 136

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No. 124
340K | 148K

No. 125
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No. 126
340K | 148K

No. 136
340K | 148K

Reports on Tsunami Relief
340K | 148K


When a great concentration of spiritual energy gathers together or condenses into one period of time, there is more pushing than usual. Especially when the planet may be in more turmoil, having more trouble, more turbulence or has more war and more disasters, then the Grace of God is more urgent."

~ Supreme Master Ching Hai

Special Report on Tsunami Relief Activities:
*South Asia: Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India
*East Africa: Somalia

World Report:
* Mongolia and Australia: Spiritual seminars
* California, USA: Sending warmth in the cold winter
* Formosa: Spiritual gathering of aboriginal artists

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture:
"The Way To End The War, Part I, II and III," Edinburgh, Scotland, June 5, 1999, (in English).

CTI TV "A Journey through Aesthetic Realms" No. 122 and 123


340K | 148K


"We have helped our brothers and sisters around the world. But it's not the material things that are important; it's the unconditional love that goes with those gifts and the comfort you have offered to our brothers and sisters in need. ……… Every time you love someone unconditionally, every time you reach out from this greatness, it's your true Self that reaches out."

~ Supreme Master Ching Hai

Special Report on "Love in Action" disaster relief activities, The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, 2004:
* Typhoons in Formosa and Japan
* Floods in Mainland China, Panama and India
* Russian Baslan Middle School hostage incident
* Hurricanes in the Caribbean and USA

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lectures:
"Serving Others is Expanding Your Own Greatness."
"Taking Refuge in God's Grace."


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