Front Line

The local vegetarian population has increased markedly since the opening of the Vegetarian House. Many previously casual vegetarians, convinced of the importance of a pure vegetarian diet following visits to the restaurant and a perusal of Master's publications, are now completely abstaining from meat and eggs. Initiates serving at the restaurant have received many questions from local and foreign patrons about the Quan Yin Method, reincarnation, the spiritual realms, and the meaning of life and eternal liberation. For one foreign visitor, a mere visit to the Vegetarian House turned out to be a marvelous experience. Looking at some books on display, he became exalted as soon his eyes fell on the cover picture of Master on The Key Of Immediate Enlightenment, and he purchased the book right then and there. To fellow initiates curious about his impatience, he responded, "I have found Master." While many restaurant patrons have received initiation or learned the Convenient Method, the list of those requesting initiation continues to grow as the Palawan Vegetarian House has developed into a center for the selfless sharing of Master's teachings.

The radiant smiles on the patrons' faces bespeak Master's blessings and inspire the working initiates to serve in joy, their confidence growing in the face of challenges as they are constantly reminded of Master's loving grace and remarkable arrangements. In the process of learning and serving to the best of their ability with God-given wisdom, they also rely on guidance from Quan Yin messengers. The spiritual maturity of the initiates is reflected in the course after course of delectable nutritional delicacies set before the guests, winning generous words of praise, satisfying sensual perceptions in palate and appetite, and sending souls soaring high.

When visitors step into the bright and attractively decorated Vegetarian House, they immediately find themselves in a cozy, but out-of-this world dining environment lighted by Master's photos and paintings on the walls. Spiritual publications and the audio and videotapes by Master that are neatly stacked on the counters exude an aura of spiritual beauty and purity. Here, visitors receive more than just food for the palate; if they wish, they may also have a priceless spiritual gift free of charge - a copy of the sample booklet and the News magazine bearing Master's beautiful pictures. Some visitors, unable to select only one magazine, request a copy of every News magazine on display.

This one and only pure vegetarian restaurant in Palawan has quickly established a name for itself locally. Not only do the Philippine residents know about it, but also large groups of tourists return repeatedly to relish Eastern and Western delicacies. By word of mouth, Master's teachings are now known to many. Spiritual blossoms are emerging in this remote area where life is difficult and material luxuries are scarce.