~Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally In Chinese)

Pride is our most troublesome karma, our greatest obstacle.

If and when we feel that our life is not going smoothly, we should understand that we have formed undesirable affinities in the past; therefore, we have to strive hard. If we have good affinities, we should also understand that we have done something good in the past; therefore, we must cherish them. We must strive persistently until our mind is entirely stable, absolutely uncaring about anything, not attached to any situation, and until nothing in this world can bind us. Then it is truly good.

In this universe, there are many levels for us to reach and many positions to attain. Therefore, in the initial stages of our spiritual practice, we have nothing to flaunt.

If everyone in this world would share with others what they have in excess, then peace and happiness would reign in the world. There would be no more war or theft.

The organizing ability of human beings can never surpass God's will. If we are not sincere, do not practice spiritually, and are impure in our actions, speech and thought, then no matter how well we plan, it just won't work.

~Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally In English)

At all times and in every situation, we always have the Master power; we just don't use it. We give into the situations, we surrender to difficulties, and then we're in trouble. Never. Never. Never. There's always an alternative and with patience, we will know.

The motive for going to retreats, going to group meditations, studying the teachings of any master, is to understand them thoroughly, to digest them truly, and to make them become our own wisdom - to bring them into practice, so that we understand well what they mean and how they benefit our lives.

The main emphasis of your practice is to know yourself - not that the neighbor knows you, or even that the master knows you. The master doesn't care. The neighbor doesn't care, either. How you fail is your own business.