Spiritual Interlude

Before I pursued spiritual practice with Master, I did not have any religious beliefs. However, for some unknown reason, the solemn sounds of Christian hymns and poems have always touched the chords in my heart, at times bringing tears to my eyes. Since my initiation, Master's "Buddhist Chanting" has brought me peace and tranquility every time I hear Her singing.

I had never studied religious scriptures before. But after initiation, I began to read the Buddhist scriptures on my own initiative in order to verify Master's teachings. This surprised my husband, who had repeatedly tried to persuade me to study the scriptures. My son, a devout Christian who was afraid that I might have strayed on to the wrong path, begged me to read the Bible. Without hesitation, I began to study the Bible as well.

It was amazing that while I once found the Bible unpalatable reading material, after initiation, I discovered that its every word and sentence shone with Christ's immense love and wisdom. The New Testament is a record of the holy stories and wise words of a saint. Tremors shook my heart when I read about Christ's disciples succumbing to physical weakness and falling asleep during their prayer with Jesus in Gethsemane before Judas' betrayal, and about Peter's refusal to acknowledge Christ three times.

Today, at a time when the people of this world are being subject to trial in various ways, we are very fortunate to be able to follow Master on our way back 'Home'. We should introspect on ourselves to determine if we have unwavering faith in God and if we are worthy enough to experience the pure and high-level vibrations of the Kingdom of God.

In order to usher in the "golden age," we must remain awake and pray, always introspect on ourselves in light of Master's teachings, and remind ourselves to set a good example as practitioners of Master's supreme teachings. Only then can we provide inspiration to other sentient beings who have affinity with Master. Let us together elevate human consciousness to higher horizons and enter into a new era for the universe.