By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally In Chinese)

A perfect person knows his good points and shortcomings. He subdues the shortcomings, puts them aside or controls them properly, to be used only when necessary. The good points he will continue to develop, to benefit others and himself. Such is a perfect person.

By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally In English)

Whatever we speak will give a vibration; and accordingly what we say, good or bad, will affect upon us again.

There's nothing we cannot solve with faith in ourselves or in the Master power.

Outer appearances do not necessarily reflect our inner level; it is most important to know whether our mind is pure and not wavering.

If you have to talk then talk about God, something beneficial, something that vibrates positively in the air and contributes to the harmony of the world as well as to your spiritual progress and those of your neighbors.

We want to step beyond human life to become a saintly being, beneficial to the whole universe, That is the meaning of being a righteous person. That's the only purpose.