Pearls Of Wisdom


The moment we make the decision of doing good or bad, or to avoid doing bad or good, that is a very important moment. If at that moment, we decide to do the good deed, no matter how difficult the test, we will remain absolutely fixed towards the right direction. If we make the correct decision like that often, we will become stronger and go towards the right direction every day. Also, we will get rid of more and more of our bad habits and become a better person. If when facing the moment of decision, we do not have the will to go towards the right direction, then we will go astray. If this happens often, we will become weaker and weaker, and do more and more bad things, strengthening the bad habits.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Taipei, Formosa
March 2, 1990 (Originally In Chinese)

To be a noble being is the only choice. To walk forward doesn't matter how difficult, to fly upward doesn't matter how far, how high, we just have to try again and again, until there is nothing but goodness that resides within us, until we recognize nothing but the Kingdom of God within ourselves.

The Kingdom of God is not the palace that is shining with gold, silver, diamonds, rubies and all kinds of precious stones. It is the purity, the loving kindness, the compassion, the peace of mind. That is the Kingdom of God. If we carry this Kingdom of God within us, then wherever we go we will always feel that we are in heaven.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
June 5, 1995 (Originally In English)

Whatever happens in our lives, it is a kind of maybe unbalance between the negative and positive. It is the negative force at work and that we have to reckon with. So we have a choice between the negative and positive. It's very simple. Every time we think negative, switch back to positive. Every time we want to speak negative, switch back to positive. Every time we want to hate someone, think twice and switch it to love because it doesn't help you to hate someone.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Los Angeles, C.A., U.S.A.
Nov. 6, 1993 (Originally In English)

Don't compete with others; don't long for profit and fame; don't be mean and calculating, be forgiving instead. People may have treated us badly but we should treat them well and love them. Such is the heart of a child. If we can preserve this heart of a child -- no matter how old we have grown we are still God's children -- we won't go to hell or fall into undesirable situations. Our lives will be smooth; at least our hearts will always be happy. We will face any problem cheerfully. No obstacles will make us feel frustrated or worried as we can overcome them. We will easily forgive others, and we will feel very free. We may be rich or poor, our position may be high or low, and despite where we are living or whom we are staying with, we just won't mind. Such is the heart of a child. It is not that we cannot be a child again after we have grown up.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
July 23, 1990 (Originally In Chinese)