Letter Of Appreciation


Geneva, 6 May 1997

(Originally In English)


We are very pleased and grateful to acknowledge receipt of your Bank transfer for USD 100,000.-- (CHF 145,000.--) as a donation by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association towards the humanitarian activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross on behalf of war victims in Rwanda.

As an institution whose activities of protection and assistance for victims of conflict situations worldwide are funded exclusively through voluntary contributions, the ICRC is most grateful for your support. Every conflict has far-reaching consequences, leaving many victims in urgent need of aid: prisoners of war, sick and wounded people, detainees, displaced persons and the civilian population. Your donation will help us to help them.

Please find enclosed the document Panorama -- Their Story, which will give you an overview of the humanitarian work of the ICRC in the world.

Thank you again for your support and interest.

Yours sincerely

Anton Burgener
Head Promotion and Private Fundraising Division