Master's Words

A Test Of Desire For Fame And Profit

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu Center, Formosa
November 12, 1995 (Originally in Chinese)

You must be careful. Don't think that you are great just because you have time to help with the work in the Center. You must always introspect your inner self, to check whether you are doing it out of sincerity or for fame and profit. If you find yourself working brilliantly anywhere or at our Centers, but back home you neither cook for the family, nor clean up the house, then you know you love fame and profit. You must be extremely cautious to protect yourself.

I do not mind the qualities that you possess, but you will gradually become worse because you have been spoiled by others. People keep praising you, so you cannot step down. You cling to your honour and do not want to lose face; so you frantically do work for the society, the Center, for friends or fellow practitioners. Consequently, you neglect your family even more, just to gain more respect. Therefore you have to be cautious.

You must always check yourselves sincerely, so as to immediately detect the slightest desire for fame and profit, or any negative thoughts that you may have anytime. Otherwise later, you cannot do things properly, and you will have hindrances. If no one scolds you, you definitely cannot do a good job, or some unpleasant situations may arise. So it is really troublesome! This is because the invisible guards of the dharma always know. You just cannot blame anyone.