Master’s Words

The Way to Heaven’s Mercy and Protection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference: Eden on Earth Art Exhibition, Taipei, Formosa July 5, 2008 (Originally in English)

If we can save the planet and all species thereof, then it is excellent. That is, if all turn to a life-loving diet, the vegetarian diet, then we will continue to live and enjoy prosperity, long life, peace and happiness for a long, long time, forever. And the world will continue to exist in glory and love, like Heaven. That is, if everyone becomes vegetarian and does good deeds. That’s it; only two things that we have to do to save this planet: vegetarian diet, doing good deeds. Very simple. If not, then we cannot save the planet.

Nothing we can do, except to rely on God’s grace and our virtue. We have to protect ourselves, only by being virtuous, by being correct, kind, loving and forgiving. We can only protect ourselves by protecting others, humans and animals alike. Protecting humans means reminding them of the noble way of life. That is, refrain from all harm to self and others, including animals and the environment. Strive to do all good according to Heaven’s mandate, helping each other and forgiving at all times.

Two things only: be a vegetarian, do only good deeds. Very simple. This is the best we can do, for now and for all time. Whether it will be the same or it will be darkness for three days, for three months or forever, that depends on humans’ reaction to the present continuous warnings from Heaven and Earth. We’ve been warned from all sides. It is time that we take heed now and return to our natural loving Self. Manifest our love outwardly by protecting and respecting all lives, in action. Meaning again: being a vegetarian and abstaining from all animal products. Not just food, but all animal products. That is the true vegetarian.

So, just two things again: being a vegetarian and doing good things for others and for ourselves, of course. But doing good things for others means doing good things for ourselves, because we are all one. And whatever you do, you will reap the reward. If you do good, you will have good reward in return. So for those who walk the way of love, that is, being a vegetarian, being a good human, they will have Heaven’s mercy and protection. There is nothing else we can do to prepare.